The Date Part 1

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You guys are hilarious. You were making up a bunch of names for Harry and Meg, it makes me happy :D

"Meg..." A voice coaxed me. I groaned, rolling over and shoving my head in the pillow. "Meg..." It tried again.

"Meg!" The voice yelled this time, jumping on top of me.

"Niall..." I sat up, looking at the blond haired cutie. "What do you want?"

Niall grinned, his blue eyes dancing with excitement. "Harry wanted me to tell you that you and him are going on a date."

I furrowed my eyebrows. A date? Why? I wasn't even dating him...

Oh. Right.

"So you'd better get ready." Niall nudged me before getting off and walking back out of the room.

I groaned, pulling myself out of bed. What was wrong with Harry? Why couldn't he wait until I was awake?

Thirty minutes later I was ready, dressed simply in shorts and a floral tank top, curls winding their way down my neck.

I heard a knock on the door and walked over to it, opening it to reveal a smiling Harry. He was wearing a Ramones t-shirt, blue blazer and normal jeans. (Gosh I hate describing clothes. I feel so awkward.)

"You ready?" He questioned, moving his hands up to adjust his curly hair.

I nodded, stepping out and closing the door behind me. I fell into step with Harry, having to take long strides to match his pace.

I looked up into his green eyes, beginning to ask "So where exactly are you tak-"

"Oh. Hi." A voice cut through my words, causing me to turn my head. That's when I realized that we were right in front of my room, or at the moment, Louis' room.

Luckily though, the boy standing in front of us wasn't Louis. It was Zayn, dressed lazily in sweatpants, his hair laying flat on his forehead and glasses framing his eyes. He looked tired, his eyes drooping slightly and bags under them. It made me wonder what had happened with Louis last night.

"Hey man." Harry said nonchalantly, making it seem as if nothing had happened between Louis and I the night before.

Zayn gave a quick nod of his head, before turning around and pulling the door closed, walking off down the hallway in front of us.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I found it odd that Zayn hadn't stopped and talked to us, usually he would have done something, even if it was just returning the hello.

"What's up his butt?" Harry questioned, nodding his head down the hallway Zayn had just disappeared. It was as if he read my thoughts.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

It confused me too.

We continued walking until we reached the lobby, and then out to where a taxi was waiting. This brought up the previous question in me, and I turned to Harry.

"Where are we going, anyway?"

Harry looked at me as he opened the door, gesturing for me to get inside with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "All in good time, love."

I groaned and ducked in, grabbing my seatbelt and pulling it over my chest and into the buckle. I had no idea where we were going, and honestly, I didn't even know where in America we were. We could be in a small town in Wisconsin for all I knew.

Although, I kind of doubted that.

Harry slipped in beside me. "You know where to go." He said to the taxi driver.

I looked to Harry, raising an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell me yet?"

He shook his head, his curls bouncing in front of his forehead and a grin playing at his lips.

I huffed, and decided to turn to a different question. "Why are we even going on a date?"

Harry's smile dropped, and his eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?"

"We aren't even dating." I smiled small. "I don't see why we need to do this."

Harry grinned, leaning over and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "You see, that's the beauty of it." He turned to whisper in my ear, his curls brushing against my cheek. "That's the fun of it."

He sat up straight again, his dimples still showing in his grin. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to get my brain to understand his words. "So, you're saying," I began, "That..." Harry looked at me intently. I threw my hands up in exasperation, "I don't understand!"

Harry chuckled, the smile still on his face. "It's like rebelling." He shrugged, looking out the window. "But easier."

I nodded slowly, turning my own attention out the window also. This wasn't really like rebelling at all. The world knew that we were 'dating', the team knew we were going on a date, the only thing we were rebelling against was ourselves.

And I guess, in a way, Louis.

"Here we are." The driver announced, pulling up in front of a large building. "Your destination."

I looked the building up and down, still not knowing what it was. It was giant, it's height towering over the buildings beside it. But even though it was a memorable building, I had no idea what it was.

Harry looked at me and beamed. "Let's go."

I jumped out of the car, following him through the sliding glass doors and into the huge building. Inside scared me almost more than the outside. There was a lady standing at a desk, in front of her a line of people buying tickets. But behind the desk was covered in rock climbing walls, in the center a huge platform where people were jumping off of.

I couldn't see everything, but I knew this would be a memorable 'date'.

Dear God.


Sorry that this is really bad and really short, and not really having anything important. I've been really overwhelmed lately and I didn't want to put in a really important part because it would be written badly. And I figured you guys had waited long enough, so I just decided I'd put in another fluff piece. But the next part will have stuff happening, I swear. :D

Also, some of you are saying that you want Meg and Harry to end up together, and others are saying Meg and Louis. So who do you like together more? Or better yet, why?

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