The First Fight In One Direction Ever.

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Some of you have probably already read this part, because I was an idiot and posted it on accident, but here it is anyways (early, I might add) ...

And this is dedicated to 1DOnlyYou because she is cool and deserves it and she's the reason this story actually has any readers. But she also cool. :D COOKIES AND BUNNIES!

"What the hell?" I screamed, pulling Harry into an unused room.

I was angry, to say the least. The boy had just called me his girlfriend on national television! No doubt this was already going around Tumblr, Twitter, and even Facebook. I was probably already receiving death threats, and my name would be all over the news when I got back to the hotel. This was bad. Very bad.

Harry ran his hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "It wasn't my greatest idea, I know."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "You think?"

His eyes darted up to mine. "Look. My thinking was that maybe Louis would feel the same way you are."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "How so?"

"You decided that you liked him after you found out he had a girlfriend, right?" I nodded as Harry continued, "Maybe he will do the same with you."

I paused for a second. Alright, maybe it was a good plan. Louis was like me in a lot of ways, and figuring out that you like someone after they have a boyfriend might be one of those ways.

"Alright." My eyes met Harry's and I nodded, once. "We'll do it."

Harry grinned, but a pounding at the door made his smile falter.

"Megan! Harry! I know you're in there!" Louis yelled angrily.

My eyes grew wide as I looked at Harry, who looked scared. Louis never called me by my full name, so he was either really angry, or really upset.

I don't know if I wanted to find out.

Louis was still pounding on the door as Harry turned to me. "We're going to have to face him sometime."

I bit my lip, but nodded. Harry walked over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open. Standing behind it was Louis, his face beet red and his hair messed up.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" He screamed, looking back and forth between Harry and I. His eyebrows were knitted together, his eyes like daggers.

"We, uh..." I began, finding it difficult to find words.

"We didn't know how to tell you." Harry finished for me, saving me from ruining our little secret.

Louis took a step forward, closer to Harry. "You didn't know how to tell me that you were dating my best friend?" His voice was lower, sounding more deadly now.

Harry didn't move an inch, but his face was starting to grow red. "That's what I said."

"Harry Styles! If you are fucking dating my best friend I need to know!" Louis screamed, his hands waving in all different directions.

I decided to come to Harry's rescue. After all, Harry was just trying to help, right?

"Louis! Stop, I..." I began, but Louis interrupted.

"Megan! You can do so much better than him!" He pointed to Harry. "You deserve so much better!"

The change in Harry's character was phenomenal, in one moment he went from being scared to being angry. "Are you saying that I won't be a good boyfriend?!" He shouted, getting closer to Louis' face.

Although Louis was shorter than Harry by a few inches, he still turned, not fazed by how close Harry was. "I'm saying that you're a flirt, Harry. There is no way that you can stay away from other girls."

Harry drew in a breath before angrily responding, "I may be a flirt, but I can control myself."

Louis rolled his eyes. "That's bullshit. You've never been able to stay with a girl for more than a few months."

Harry's eyebrows drew together. "Well I'm sorry that I don't have a perfect relationship like you! But I'm trying here!"

"Well you aren't allowed to try on my best friend!"

"What do you care?!" Harry retorted, screaming.

Louis paused, drawing back. He seemed to think over his response, and I hoped for a moment that he might say that he loved me.

I couldn't believe that these boys were fighting like this. They were best friends, and here they were, arguing like it was the end of the world. Over something as stupid as a fake relationship. I didn't understand why Harry was even defending this, it would be so simple for him to just come out and tell Louis the truth. But here he was, defending our fake relationship like we had been in love forever.

"Harry, you may be capable of being a good boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you will be." He finally spat, turning on his heel and walking out.


I think I might have caused the first fight in One Direction, ever.

Sorry for the swearing, but I wanted to show how mad they were. I DON'T ACTUALLY SWEAR IN REAL LIFE!

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