Aunt Lilian's Car

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Before we begin, I need to tell you the story of why it has taken me so long to update.

Okay, so basically, we went camping for the week and I had no Internet access.



"Would you like something to drink, dear?" Aunt Lilian's airy voice asked me, looking over at me with her brow furrowed.

I shook my head, "No thanks".

Lilian turned away and back to the kitchen before I heard pots and pans banging around. I turned my head to where my attention always seemed to be going, Louis and Eleanor.

We had only been here for three hours and they were already annoying me half to death. They were both sitting on the couch, whispering to eachother like they were the only ones in the room. Eleanor would randomly laugh, throwing her head back and her mouth hanging wide open while Louis just grinned at her.

You know what would be great? If I knocked that smile from her face. You know, just a punch wouldn't hurt. She might get a bruise, but it's not like it would kill her. I could be sneaky, make it look like an accident-

"Meg." Harry's voice pulled me from my thoughts, his mouth close to my ear in a whisper, "Are you alright?"

I subtly shook my head so only he noticed. "You want to go for a walk?" I suggested, looking into his eyes.

Harry nodded, standing up before holding a hand out to me, which I took. "We'll be right back, Aunt Lilian."

"Oh, take your time." Aunt Lilian dismissed with a wave of her hand. "Couples need their privacy."

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, following Harry until we had gotten out of the house. We walked in silence for a while, the cool air making goose bumps form on my arms. The wind was blowing softly, just enough that you could see the grass near the house moving.

"What exactly, is the matter?" Harry broke the silence, keeping his eyes forward.

I sighed. "They're being all lovey."

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, couples tend to do that." I gave him a look. "Real couples, I mean."

Real couples, something I'd never get to be with Louis, unless we changed something. What we were currently doing obviously wasn't working, and I needed to find a way to change that. But the real question was how, there wasn't any particular skill that I could wow him with. I couldn't get him with money, or woo him by saving his life. But maybe I could...

"Harry." I began, "What does Louis hate most?"

He didn't even need a moment before he answered, "Socks."

I rolled my eyes, "I mean in girls."

"Oh." Harry finally understood, "That'd probably be when they're mean to people that don't deserve it."

And so came the so-called perfect idea. Well, it was almost perfect. Almost perfect besides the fact that it was completely reversing everything, everything that I had been taught in the last month and everything that I had been trying not to do.

But I had to do it.

I don't know where all the rage came towards Eleanor came from, because I had always kind of liked her. I guess it was because I was sick of what was going on, sick of having to wait for Louis to finally realize that he doesn't need Eleanor. I didn't want to wait anymore.

So I'd break both Louis, and Eleanor's heart if that meant getting Louis.

And Louis kind of deserved it, since he broke my heart.

So that's how I found myself that night, dressed entirely in black from head to toe, sneaking out of my bedroom and past the family room where everyone was laughing and having a grand old time.

I could hear Eleanor's laugh as I passed, accompanied with Louis'. It made anger bubble inside my chest and made me move even faster.

This was the perfect plan. Aunt Lilian was a complete angel, she had let us stay with her and eat her food without anything in return. And so for that, Louis would love her. And she absolutely did not deserve what was going to come.

The evil thing that I was going to blame on Eleanor.

I became angry, angry at her for everything she'd put me through. She deserved what was coming, she deserved everyone being angry at her for 'breaking Aunt Lilian's car'. She had stolen Louis, and caused me to be this upset.

I clutched the hammer tighter in my hand, trying to shove all of my anger into it.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong. I knew that it was going to get me in trouble. I knew that I was going back to what had gotten me here in the first place... but I had to do it. I had to get rid of Eleanor.

I spotted the car, a black Mercedes parked in front of the house. Quickly, I pulled my cap tighter over my head and snuck over to it, hoping the night would cover my tracks.

I could still hear their laughter. The deep laughter of Louis next to the high pitched laughter of Eleanor. It caused a wretched pain in my chest, a feeling that had been reoccurring often in this last month.

Why did he have to love her? I was the one that knew him. I was the one that was there through everything... from when he broke his ankle to the X Factor audition. I was there. She had just come, she was new to him. She was a stranger.

I rose the hammer, bringing it above my head. Three, two... I brought the hammer down on the window, the window shattering into a million pieces.

He should love me. I knew everything about him. Not her.

I walked over to the back seat window. BANG. The hammer made contact and soon the window was gone, along with the one before.

I should be the one laughing with him.

BANG. The back window, gone. That's when I noticed that the laughter had stopped. They must have heard the noises, but it was too late. The damage had been done.

I decided to keep going. Go big or go hard, right? I walked over to the passenger window, raised the hammer and made contact.

I love him.

I walked over to the last window, ready to break it. Louis had broken my heart, I guess this was payback.

"MEGAN!" I voice shouted from behind me. I ignored it, focusing instead on lifting the object in my hands, tears brimming my eyes.

He called my name again, but still I ignored it. I was going to do this. This had to be done.

But before I could, I felt a dizziness in my head. The world was spinning, making it hard to focus.

I was on the ground.

Yeah... so.... yeah.

Please tell me that everything makes sense. I'm not sure if it will... but if it doesn't I'm going to rewrite it. I'M SORRY IF IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!

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