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The first time that I posted this, I accidentally posted the wrong part... crap. Sorry :D

"Alright boys!" Sam called, causing the boys and I to leave our game of mad dancing and return to him. "You have a few hours of rehearsals and then you have an interview, and then your performance."

I sighed. Being with the boys wouldn't be as simple as I thought, they had so much to do. I would be lucky if I got to spend more than fifteen minutes at a time with them.

"Yes sir!" Niall saluted, turning himself to walk back to where we were having our game.

"Not so fast, shorty." Sam grabbed Niall's arm and pulled him back, making me giggle. "There's a few people that I want you to meet."

That's when I noticed the group of people walking towards us. There were two girls and one boy, each seeming around my age. The first girl had straight, shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. She was short, probably around 5'4. The second one had copper hair, which was set in frizzy curls. She had bright blue eyes and was around the same height as the other girl, but a bit taller. The boy was much taller than the two girls, with blond spiked hair and designer glasses.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet the fashion crew." Sam introduced them, gesturing with his hand.

I flipped my curly brown hair behind my shoulder, giving a wide smile at the group.

"Would you like to introduce yourselves?" Sam asked them.

The girl with straight brown hair stepped forward. "Hi! I'm Katie Jane. Or Katie Jane with a hyphen. Or Katie Jane all pushed together." She laughed. "It doesn't matter how you spell it, but you can call me Katie if you want, since it's shorter."

I smiled at the cheerful girl, who stepped back next to her curly haired friend.

The boy was next to step forward. "I'm Colton." He looked back to the girls, as if for reassurance. "But call me Colt."

The copper haired girl was next. "I'm Lila." She gave a small smile, and stepped back to Katie.

"Alright. Now let's start the rehearsals, and then you will go back with this lot and get all beautified." Sam finished, gesturing for the boys to go backstage.

They listened, running and leaping until they were out of view. I assumed that they were backstage, getting the mics ready and stuff.

Katie walked over to me and smiled.

"How do you know them?" She questioned as Lila came up behind her. I couldn't help but notice how shy Lila was, how she seemed to always need Katie as reassurance.

"Louis is my best friend." I explained, looking to where my carrot loving friend had ran off. I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered that was all we were, just friends.

Katie grinned. "That's really lucky. There's a lot of girls that would die to take your place."

I nodded. She was right. Any girl would want my place, some would even pay millions of dollars. But I was just blessed with it.

"So who's your favourite?" Katie asked, nudging my shoulder. I gave her a questioning look, wordlessly asking her what she meant.

"Oh come on!" She laughed. "You can't tell me that you don't have a little crush on one of the boys." She stopped to whisper, "They're gorgeous."

Katie looked to Lila, who vigorously nodded, agreeing with her. They seemed to have a wordless connection, best friends without saying a thing. I kind of wished I could have a relationship like that.

I shrugged. "I don't like any of them like that." I know that I lied, but I had just met her. I didn't know if I could trust her.

Katie's eyes went wide, and she began jumping up and down. It amazed me how this little girl could have so much energy.

"You are lying! You so like one of them!" She squealed.

I put my hands on her shoulders, afraid that the boys could hear us. "Shhhh. Alright fine, if you promise not to say anything, I will tell you."

Katie stopped jumping, watching me in anticipation.

"I like Louis." I whispered.

Katie grinned, leaning in and whispering, "I knew it."

I rolled my eyes, turning my attention to where the boys were coming out on the stage.

****three hours later****

"So, single or taken?" The interviewer asked, looking to each boy one by one.

I was behind the cameras, standing with Katie, Lila, and Colton. They had done the boys' looks earlier, giving them each their own outfit. Katie had told me that in order to get this job they'd had to study each boy's style from pictures to make sure they got it right. And now we were standing near by just in case there was a wardrobe malfunction.

"Taken." Liam began for the boys.

"Single." Niall answered.

"Single." Zayn.

"Taken." Louis finished, making my heart break as he said that one word. He was taken, but not by me.

Harry was next, and his eyes were on me. He seemed to notice my hurt, and gave me pitiful eyes. I waved him off, telling him not to worry about it.

"Harry? What about you?" The interviewer asked.

Harry looked from me to Louis, then back to me. "Taken." He answered.

I could almost feel my jaw hit the floor. He had a girlfriend? Why hadn't he told me about this?

The interviewer seemed to get interested, leaning forward and asking, "By who?"

Harry raised his hand, pointing at me. "Her."

Yes, I did add myself into the story. Because I am selfish like that. WOOH!

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