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After this chapter the updates will be a bit more spaced out, since up until this chapter I had all of them already written :)

MEEEEEEGAN! I hope you like this part dear :)

The silence was awkward, to say the least. Nobody muttered a word as we sat quietly in the van, waiting to arrive back at the hotel. We had already done the performance, in which the boys had performed remarkably, as expected. The crowd had responded wonderfully, and they just seemed to love One Direction. After the performance Big Time Rush had done theirs, and now we were going home for the night.

I was scared though. I didn't know how angry Louis actually was, so I didn't know if I wanted to stay the night with him. Louis was insanely nice, funny, and compassionate, but when he was angry he was a force to be reckoned with.

"We're here." Sam announced, oblivious to the lack of communication.

I was next to the door, so I got out first, following Sam into the lobby. We all got into the elevator, still not muttering a word.

"Wow. You guys are awfully quiet today." Sam chuckled, looking to each face. But I couldn't meet his gaze for some reason.

The elevator doors opened and we all walked out, Sam in front and the rest of us following. I felt Harry snake his arm around my waist, and I looked up to him.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "We have to be believable."

I nodded, continuing to walk. We finally reached the cluster of doors, each with their own number on them. I looked up to Harry to see him giving me a small smile, as if trying to tell me it will be okay. I nodded, then walked into my room that I shared with Louis.

I sat on my bed and played with the blankets, waiting for Louis to walk in. When I finally heard the door close, I looked up, meeting Louis' gaze. His expression held anger, disappointment, and something that I couldn't recognize.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself. I had to get this over with. "Louis, I'm.."

Louis interrupted. "Meg, why would you do this to me?" His tone was soft, more pleading than angry.

I found myself biting my lip, my gaze lingering on a piece of the floor before I raised my eyes, meeting his. "I don't know." I whispered.

This should have been easier. Louis was always easy for me to talk to, he was my best friend. I could tell him everything, from my favourite colour to my view on the political party. But why was it so hard to manage a few words?

Louis ran his hand through his hair, taking a seat next to me. I watched him lick his lips before he turned to me, his eyes full of emotions. "I don't want you to date him."

I got multiple feelings at that moment. Could Louis be jealous? Maybe he doesn't want me to date Harry because he wants me for himself. Maybe he had already found his love for me.

But mostly I felt anger.

I shot up, my mouth hanging open. "Who are you to decide who I can date?"

Louis shook his head, still calm. "He's not a good choice, Meg."

I furrowed my eyebrows. For years I had been watching him date other girls, some of them being the bitchiest girls I had met, and here he was telling me who I could date?

"I don't care if he's not a good choice. He's my choice." I spat.

This stupid fake relationship had me defending my stupid fake boyfriend. Lovely.

Louis stood up, the frustration finally getting the best of him. "Don't you see what I'm doing? I just don't want you to get hurt!"

I thought back to all the girls he had dated. From when we were in Junior High to now, I had been watching him date other people. And every time I would be supportive. I would watch him kiss the girls, hold the girls, laugh with the girls. At the time I didn't care what he did, I didn't know that I had feelings for him. And then I came here to see him with Eleanor. He could have had me, but he chose her instead.

I couldn't say that I blamed him, she was beautiful, funny, kind, and perfect for him in every way. But she wasn't me.

Every day that I'd been here I had watched them, and every day my sadness grew a bit more.

I looked into Louis eyes and shook my head, turning on my heel. I walked out the door and slammed it behind me, going off to find Harry.

I know it wasn't right to run away from my problem, but at the moment I just couldn't stand it. I needed to get away.

I got to his room and banged on the door, feeling light tears hit my cheeks as I did so. Zayn opened the door, standing before me shirtless.

"Could I..." I began, finding it difficult to find words. I meant to ask him if I could come in, but I couldn't get it out.

"I'll go stay with Louis." He said, reaching beside him to slip on his shoes.

I stepped into the room which resembled mine and Louis', not even paying attention to the details. I probably wouldn't be able to see them through my tears anyway.

"Meg?" Harry questioned, looking at me from where he was laying on the bed. Once he saw me his eyes went wide and he stood, walking over to me. He pulled me into a hug, resting his cheek on my head. I let the sobs escape my mouth as he muttered, " don't cry. Pretty girls shouldn't cry."

I looked up at him. "Louis and I..."

Harry reached behind me and closed the hotel door before leading me to sit on the bed. "Let's not talk about it until after we have the ice cream."

I smiled, watching as Harry reached over to the phone to call room service.

I hoped Harry could help.

Doodly doodly doop...

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