Phone Call

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Zayn jumped over the couch, running into the kitchen to where I assumes the phone was. "Hello?" His accent rang through the walls.

"I bet it's just some fan." Louis waved it off, putting his arm around Eleanor's waist and pulling her to the couch, where they sat next to eachother.

Harry looked at me and grinned, patting the spot beside him. I rolled my eyes but allowed my feet to carry me to where he was gesturing, sitting down onto the soft cushion.

Zayn jumped back into the room, a grin taking up his face. "It's been finalized." He announced.

I felt my eyebrows come together. What had been finalized?

All the boys grinned, looking first to each other, and then to me.

"What?" I questioned, a bit taken aback. Why were they all looking at me like that?

Louis untangled himself from Eleanor, then came to sit in front of me. "We have a tour with Big Time Rush in a couple of weeks." He told me, embracing my small hands in his own.

I nodded, sadness beginning to overcome me. I thought that if I stayed here, I'd get to spend all of my time with Louis? But now that he's going on tour, it will be me and this big house, all alone.

"And you get to come with us!" Louis announced, jumping up.

I grinned, my worries melting away. Being on tour with Louis means spending more time with him and the boys.

Without Eleanor.

Heck yes.

"They said that the only way we can bring you though, is if you promise not to draw attention to yourself." Zayn said, turning his eyes to Louis. "We don't want girls hating on you because they think you're our girlfriends."

I nodded vigorously, jumping up to hug Louis. "Thank you."

Louis nodded against my neck. "Now go pack." He pulled away, looking into my eyes. "I know how you like to procrastinate."

I turned around, bounding up the stairs into my room. I pulled out my suitcase and set it on my bed, throwing in some underwear and a few bras to begin with.

"Need some help?" Harry's low voice asked from the doorway.

I didn't look up at him as I answered, "Sure. But we need to leave some stuff unpacked for me to wear."

From the corner of my eye I could see Harry nod, walking over to my dresser and pulling out a few shirts. He folded them, then put them into my suitcase.

"Are you excited, by any chance?" He asked, amused by the fact that I was practically trembling with excitement.

I nodded, the corners of my mouth upturning. "Yeah."

Harry tilted his head, changing the subject. "Why did Louis make you pack so early anyway?"

I giggled. "When we were younger I would always wait until the day of the trip to pack, and I would inevitably forget something." I shrugged. "So I guess he wanted to make sure that I didn't forget."

Harry chuckled, continuing to grab things from my dresser.

I wonder what the US would be like.

That was uneventful. Sorry, but I was sick when I wrote this. I wanted to write something because I had nothing better to do, but since I was sick it didn't turn out all that great. But I'm all better now!

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