Code Aardvark

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MY LOVELY EDITOR OF THIS STORY. You are still my editor, and I will still send this part to you. I just wanted to get it up so that people would have something to read. :D


*Megan's POV*

So basically, this is how it happened:

Now, we just wanted a snack, honestly. And it didn't seem to cross our minds that deliquents shouldn't be trying to sneak around a prison. All we wanted was some food for our growling stomachs. After all, what was the harm in getting food? It never hurt anyone.

So for some unknown reason, fifteen minutes after we decided we were hungry we had flashlights in our hands and were crawling army style down a dark hallway.

And by 'we', I mean me and my new friend Katherine.

I was on one side of the hallway and Katherine was on the other, both of us staying low to the ground, away from where the security cameras could see us. If we planned this right, we were in the shadows of the hallway and it was hard for the cameras to pick up our movements. We didn't really need to be low to the ground, seeing as we were only getting food, but we thought it would be more fun.

We continued along this path, the cold floor pressing against our stomachs. All of a sudden a sharp pain ran through my knee and I cursed profanities, a lot louder than I probably needed to. I bended over, holding my knee against my chest and praying that the pain would stop. It didn't right away, and the pain continued throbbing.

A light turned on in a room in front of us and my head shot up. The shadows in the light displayed a man walking to the door, his dark figure against the clear windows of the room. The door to the room slowly opened and before us stood a hulking figure.

I stayed very still, hoping that if I didn't move he wouldn't see me. I tried to bring out my inner possum, making sure I looked as dead as possible.

Katherine didn't have the same idea, because in a moment she had shot up and was darting down the hallway. In front of me the man began yelling, "Hey you!"

I scrambled up and began to run after Katherine, forcing my legs to move as fast as possible. I knew what the consequences for being out after hours could be, and I definitely didn't want to be faced with them.

As we were running I could hear footsteps behind me, followed by loud shouting. The shouts echoed off the walls and I was surprised that everyone in the prison hadn't woken up. My heart was beating fast, and the only consilation I had was that the hallway was dark- he couldn't see our faces.

Somewhere along the way Katherine turned into a different hallway, and I followed her. She turned again, and so did I. This pattern continued until we could no longer hear the footsteps behind us, and we arrived in the main room of the living quarters.

I buckled over as soon as we were safely inside the room. I was panting heavily, as was Katherine. I wanted to laugh, but part of me knew this was a bad idea seeing as what we had just done was wrong beyond measure. I could still feel the throbbing pain in my knee, but seeing as how I had just ran on it I knew it wasn't broken.

I turned to Katherine, looking at the little card she had in her hand. On it the name Klioh Jensen was scrawled, along with a photo and some numbers. That little card was how we had managed to get out of the living quarters and open all the doors in the hallway.

I don't want to know how Katherine got it.

I flopped down onto the couch, grinning up at Katherine. She sat down next to me, her hair flying up before she landed. She put her feet onto the coffee table in front of us and I followed suit, allowing them to rest beside her.

Without warning, alarms began screaming. I jolted, looking around the room with wide eyes. A flashing red light made the room glow, and around us a voice announced "Code aardvark. Code aardvark. All personal is needed immediately. This is not a drill."

I looked at Katherine with wide eyes, wordlessly asking her what was going on. She had the same expression as me, so I assumed that she didn't know.

Within a couple of minutes we were joined by the other girls in our area of the prison. They had come out of their rooms and were sitting on the couches, waiting to hear what was going on. All around us was whispering:

"What's going on?"

"What's code aardvark?"

"I wanna go back to bed."

"Code aardvark is when someone has escaped."

The last statement made my heart beat faster as I realized exactly what was going on. There could be someone roaming the halls right that instant, holding a knife and waiting for a moment to strike.

Then another thought hit me, maybe someone hadn't actually escaped. Maybe the guards only thought someone escaped.

I turned to Katherine, wordlessly whispering, "I think they're looking for us."

Definitely not my best work. *sigh* But seeing as I did it in an hour... oh well.

Also, I'm still not going to be updating regularily. I just had a free day. :D


If this part is really horrible or doesn't make sense, please tell me. Like I said, it hasn't been edited yet.

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