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I sat on my front porch enveloped in my newsfeed on twitter that the only thing that brought my attention back to reality was the headlights from a truck pulling into my driveway. I smiled and pulled the headphones out my ears, standing up. As the ignition turned off and Jason hopped out the car, I felt the smile grow across my face. When he got face to face with me, he wasted no time to kiss me. I smiled under his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was sort of disappointed when he pulled away. "Well hello to you too Mr. McCann."

"I have been thinking of you all day today. All I could think about was your lips." Jason whispered kissing my lips softly again. Today marked our second week being together. Jason and I have always been friends before though, quite frankly friends was an understatement. Any and everything I did, Jason was two steps behind me making sure that if I fell he'd be there to catch me. "How was dance practice?"

"It was great." I smiled. "You took off next Thursday for the recital right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He smiled. "What were you doing out here all by yourself?"

"I was thinking."

"Oh god, Sage, you don't want to pop a blood vessel do you?"

I pushed him playfully, "Oh shut up." I turned around to walk back into the house but it wasn't long before Jason followed me inside.

"You know I'm actually quite upset with you."

"Why?" I asked.

"You're home alone and you were sitting outside by night."

"Well it's not my fault. It's so nice outside tonight." I shrugged.

"You have to be careful, you know those guys across town are disgusting and not to mention they know we're together now so they'll try even harder to get you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You didn't go across town did you?"

He diverted his eyes from mine. "No."

I sighed and started walking up the stairs. "You never listen to a word I say Jason."

"Oh come on Sage." He said upon entering my room. "I have a title. I have things to do."

"You're in a gang, it can't be that hard to back out."

He scoffed, "Not that hard to back out? You don't know a thing. It's very hard to back out. Miles and Kaden are in the gang too and I don't see you pestering them about dropping out."

"I don't care about Miles or Kaden like that!" I snapped. "You always bring them into this discussion when it has nothing to do with them." Just then his phone rang. He dug it out from his pocket and looked at the screen. When he looked up at me I asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Miles." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled darkly, "Whatever, answer it."

"Don't be like that."

"Save it." I snapped. I saw that this conversation was going nowhere, which it never does, so I just grabbed my towel and headed for my bathroom on the other side of the room. I slammed the door shut and started the shower ridding myself of all my clothes. I needed to calm down. I didn't want to be one of those girl friends, you know? He should make his own decisions it's just when he's with those guys I get so damn nervous. Sometimes while he's out doing jobs or whatever they are he won't call and I start to panic. It isn't until I wake up with his arms around me the next day that I know he's okay. I just get frustrated. Jason is the only stable thing I have in my life. When my parents got divorced it was very hard for me to handle. I never blamed my dad for the situation, he tried to make it work, mean while, my mom just didn't give a damn. Even though I was angry at the way she was I didn't blame her either. It was none of my business of what went on between my parents, but when my mother died I feel like it hit all of us. No matter what happened Jason was there through it all. My shoulder to cry on, and my person to confide in. I loved him so much for that too. He stuck around when a lot of people didn't. When my dad and I decided to move it was a hard deal to handle. Jason never had his parents in is life at all. All he had was his brother Marcus. The courts sent them both into foster care but split them up. The last time Jason ever saw his brother was when he was five. I'm pretty sure they sent him to Florida, and Jason stayed here in Vegas. I remember one day Jason and I were together, watching TV and a new special came on about a kid in Orlando getting locked up for playing with fire. When the picture came up it was like Jason's body turned to stone. He raced out the room and didn't talk to me for days. He skipped school for two months and came back with tattoos all up one of his arm and had started smoking cigarettes. When we were alone I asked him about what happened and it was about fifteen minutes before I even got an answer. He just leaned on my shoulder and cried. It was the first and last time I had ever seen Jason cry over anything.



btw i know this chapter sucks so bad but its the first chapter and it was just background info and just like a starter chapter promise the next will be so much better and since its been a while since i have written in a weird female POV.

i changed the girls name from julia to sage and instead of victoria justice the lead is lily collins because she's just so much more attractive. :-)

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