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I pulled my truck into the police station. I went alone, considering I only had about eight hours left to come up with the money for my brother that I didn’t fucking have. I sat in my truck for about five minutes, biting back tears and anything else I had because I was sure that if I started crying I wouldn’t stop until I threw up and I couldn’t do that again. I won’t be all right until I get Sage back. I got out the truck and locked the door behind me. There was a lady at the front and she looked me up and down before asking me to sign in. “I’m here to see Stokes.”

“I’ll see if he’s in.,” she murmured. She dialed his desk and I guess he answered when she said a few words. “He’s busy.”

“Tell him it’s McCann and I have some things he might want to know.” She puffed and repeated my words, looking shocked when he told her to send me back. I nodded and made my way through the building like I owned it. I saw some familiar faces but didn’t bother to say a word; I was here on business and not personal shit. I walked into his office and sat down in the chair across from him. Stokes was always nice to me when I came in before. They were just small charges you know. He always told me that if I needed anything he’d try his hardest to help me instead of me putting myself in trouble. Now’s the time to see if this man will stay true to his word. “Nick.”

“Didn’t think I would see you again.” He said, leaning back in his chair. “What is it you needed to talk about?”

“My brother.”

This caught his attention; he leaned up and placed his elbows on his desk. “What about him?”

“I’m meeting him tonight at this abandoned warehouse in Paradise. He has my girlfriend held hostage because I’m assuming he’s in trouble with someone and I took some money out of his account thinking he was gone.” I took in a breath. “I know what I’m asking is going to be super fucked up but I need you to stay true to what you told me.”

“I’ll do it.”

“I need you to scope him. I need you and your crew to come in and take control of the situation. No matter what happens, I need you to make sure that Sage is safe.”

“Jason,” he started.

“No, you can’t do that!” I snapped. “You told me you would help me if I needed it. I need you to take my brother out, and I need you to make sure my girlfriend is safe. I know what I’m asking you to do. If you need to take me in then do what you have to do but do not let harm come that girls way. Come on Nick I have about eight hours left, my time is ticking. I gotta do this with or without you.”

He mulled it over for a second before picking up his phone, dialing up some number. My heart picked up as he said, “I got a job for us. We have a person of interest.”


I was untied now but was guarded and heavily. I had just finished eating and was sitting in the middle of an abandoned warehouse in Paradise, Nevada. I was worried. Not so much for myself but for Jason, he always did do dumb things when his back was up against the wall. He never has done well under pressure. I’m sure that’s why his grades weren’t always all that good. Marcus was pacing the floor, clutching his phone in his hand. “You’ve got about an hour left on the clock and your boyfriend still isn’t here. Maybe he just doesn’t care about what I do to you.”

I shook my head. “You know your brother doesn’t do well under pressure.”

“I know he does what I tell him too, and so far he hasn’t been coming through. Maybe he ran off, like he should’ve.”

“Jason’s not a coward.” I snapped. “He’s anything but that. He’s protected me through any and everything.”

Marcus stalked over to me and bent down so he was eyelevel with me. “Lemme let you in on a secret princess, Jason doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else but himself and only himself. You should learn that now before you end up just like everyone else that gets close to Jason, dead.”

“Then why aren’t you dead?”

“I have people in all the right places that can help me. You on the other hand don’t.”

I clamped my mouth shut as blinding lights pulled up into the parking lot of the warehouse. I stood up and when Jason got out the care my heart picked up. The two men behind me grabbed my arms and held me back as Miles and Kaden got out the car with them. Jason was holding a package in his hand and the look on his face said he meant business. “Let her go.” Jason said once he was face to face with Marcus. “She has nothing to do with this.” The desperation in his voice told me he has been through hell in back in these past hours. Marcus nodded his head and the men let me go.

I raced over to Jason but before I could even touch him Miles and Kaden grabbed me and started dragging me to the car. “Hey! Let go of me!”

“Go home Sage.” Jason snapped.

I struggled against the boys grip but there were two of them and I knew that I was the weakest one. “Jason come with me. Just give him the money and come with me.”

Jason handed Marcus the money, ignoring me. “Is this over now?”

Marcus pulled out a glock from behind his back and aimed it at Jason. “Yeah, it will be.”

“Why do you want to do this? We’re family?”

“You knew I was in hiding and you screwed me over. You left all ties with me and ran with my money you piece of shit.”

“I didn’t do a damn thing.” Jason snapped. “I lost connection with you. I didn’t purposely drop you.”

Marcus chuckled and pulled the trigger back. “You must think I’m stupid.” Marcus looked around and then everything happened in a rush. Police started to come from out of nowhere and Miles and Kaden started pulling me back again. Jason rushed to me and grabbed my waist to pull me away from the madness. I looked back as the officers tried to fight Marcus to get the gun out of his hand. He wasn’t letting go though. We were almost out, I could taste the air and smell the scent of fresh pine from the trees surrounding us a sound stopped all of us. The gun fired and I looked up at Jason to see a blank look on his face. The gun fired again and this time I knew what was happening. The tears started slipping out of my eyes as I looked down and saw blood covering his hand. The blood started seeping through my shirt as I felt myself grow weak, and fall to my knees. I gasped for air as Jason laid me on my back and lifted my shirt up to see two bullet holes in my lower abdomen. “God no.” Jason said, crying over me. He was cradling me in his arms, rocking me back and forth. My vision was starting to go blurry and my eyes were starting to close. “Stay with me please, Sage.”

“Stay with me until I fall asleep.” I murmured.

“No you’re going to stay awake. I’m so sorry Sage this is all my fucking fault. You should’ve stayed away from me.” He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the inside of my palm repeatedly. “God, I love you so much. I love you so, so damn much. Please stick this through with me. You’ve got to.”

It started to get harder to breathe. I started choking on my own blood that was rising from my throat. I was dying. Oh god I was dying. “I love you so much.” I whispered.

“I’m gonna make it better. I swear to god I will.”

“Sh.” I said, closing my eyes. He kissed my forehead and held me tight in his arms.

Then the pain in my chest stopped and I was no longer fighting to breathe…because my breathing stopped. 

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