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When Justine invited me to Will's party I was confused. I was never invited to these parties; Miles, Kaden and I just liked to crash them. Tonight, set on leaving alone, we rolled up on our bikes. We always came together, whether they were invited or not they were coming because I was coming. I parked the bike and muted the roar by pulling the keys out of the ignition. Miles and Kaden doing the same. Will's house was huge. He had big corporate parents that were never home and didn't care about things even if they were. The kid was made out of money, and was the poster child for frat boy with a cute girl. Only his cute girl was my girl. I was angry with myself for letting her slip away but when she said the whole "friends" thing I knew it was never going to happen. I was too damn possessive and I was too fucking stupid. I hated myself for doing it but I couldn't help it. Loving her was a curse and I knew that if I stuck around I'd be done for. I left her in that hotel room by herself because I knew that if I was there when he showed up, his parents would have to bury their son and I'd be behind bars. Neither one of those decisions would fit well with Sage so I had no other plan but to abort the mission and leave. A month later they're parading around school without a second glance and a care in the world. The only plus side about all this shit was that Ricky was out of our hair because one of his boys ratted him out and his whole cartel got caught in their warehouse. He was tapped, and the police came and rushed in. Him and his men are on trial but they're looking at life. Miles often kept tabs since his brother was working with Ricky, but fortunately he was one of the few that didn't get caught. Miles' hand slammed on my shoulder, and when I face him he had a drink in his hand. "Nah man, not tonight." I said.

"C'mon dude, you've gone soft since you and Sage broke up." Miles said.

"I'm gonna get her back, I just don't know when and until then I have to keep my behavior clean...for her and my sake."

"Live a little Jason, nothing bad is gonna happen. If you take the drink we give you, sure enough Justine's gonna try and get you drunk just so she can get laid." Kaden laughed, opening the top of his beer with his teeth. He spit the cap onto the floor and chuckled. "Dude, I'm too nice."

I just rolled my eyes and simply said, "If you can't walk, find me and give me your keys."

"Ay, ay sir." They both said at the same time before walking to the dance floor letting the ladies flock to them.

Before I could even move Justine found me, her body was wrapped in a short, tight black dress, with nude heels on. Her legs were shiny and I could tell they were freshly shaved. Her hands ran up my chest as she pushed my back against the wall. "I was hoping you would come."

"I told you I would." I whispered, placing my hands on her waist. God I would be lying if I said she didn't look good. I let my eyes roam down, hoping to get a glance at her curves but they stopped at the cleavage popping out of her dress.

"Do you like what you see?"

"I'm liking it a lot."

She leaned in closer, pressing her body against mine. I was done for. "See anything you want?" Her voice was so low it sent actual shivers up my spine.

I was getting ready to answer when the whole room started cheering. I diverted my view and looked at where the source of commotion was coming from. It was Will coming down the steps with Sage on his arm. She was wearing a short nude dress that left no curve for your imagination. She was wearing black heels and her legs were set to fucking kill. Her hair was in a high ponytail and her makeup was dressy but as minimal as possible. "Fuck." I whispered, moving my hands from Justine's waist. I couldn't stop staring at her glossy lips as her teeth tugged at her bottom lip. As I got a closer look at her, I realized I didn't like Will's arms around her waist. I really didn't like it when it slipped down further and cupped her ass. My hands clenched into fists beside me. He leaned her against a wall and blocked her body from my view, but her lidded eyes were showing me everything I needed to know. He was kissing her in that spot below her ear that sent her on overdrive.

"Jason?" Justine said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah baby?" I muttered, looking back at her.

She glanced back at Sage then back at me. "C'mon, lets go somewhere a little more private."

Before I could even think about giving a response she was pulling me upstairs and I already knew where this was headed.


It was getting close to midnight when the party jumped into full swing. We could be as loud as we wanted and as crazy as we wanted because the neighbors weren't for some miles down the road. That's what I loved most about Will having rich parents and owning their own property. By now, the party had migrated to the pool and outside porch as girls stripped to their bra and panties, slipping into the water...or being thrown. I was involuntarily grabbed and pulled into the water along with Will when he jumped in. Now, I was against the wall of the pool with my legs wrapped around his waist. His lips were on my neck and my nails were digging into his back. The little pants escaping my mouth were no mistake. I was getting all hot and bothered where everyone could see. "God, your skin is so soft." Will whispered, running his hands up my thighs. "I want you so bad Sage."

I pulled back and looked him in the eye before crashing my lips to his. It turned into a heated exchange and Will's teammates and friends started cat-calling and whistling as I tangled my fingers in his hair. His erection started pressing against the apex in between my thighs and I gasped into his mouth. "Get upstairs, I'll meet you in my room." I giggled and slid down his body before making my way to the steps, enjoying all the eyes on me. It'd been a while since I was wanted and I loved the feeling.

Walking into the house, I practically raced up the stairs. I pushed my wet hair out of my eyes before opening the door to Will's room to see it dark and figured people in the bed. I cut on the light to find Justine and Jason scrambling for the sheets. I stood there stunned for a second before saying, "Oh shit, sorry." And backing out of the room. I heard Jason call my name twice before I ran across the hall to one of the many guest rooms. I don't know why I was acting this way but I just couldn't escape the pain no matter what, and I don't know why but I expected something else.

I expected him to chase me.

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