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I was in a state of shock for a second before I got up and walked towards Arianne, “You did this!” Before I could get my hands around her neck, Miles and Kaden were holding me back. “You did this!”

“You’re the one who let me.” She laughed.

“You’ve been watching me all damn night. You know I’m drunk and you just wanted me alone. You wanted to get me alone so you could ruin the best thing I ever had.”

“You did that all by yourself. You don’t need her Jason so just let her go. You know she’s inexperienced and she’s pitiful. You were on your knees begging for her and she walked away.”

“Sage is hurting because that’s all I’ve ever done to her. I hurt her and you…you think you’re getting what you fucking want when you’re not!” I struggled against Miles and Kaden’s arms. “What’re you getting out of this? You ruined me and Sage and then what? You thought I was going to come crawling to you? No, I’m going to fight for the girl I fucking love and it’s not you Arianne. I never loved you, ever.” I looked at all my other past girls in the crowd watching everything unfold. The tears were coming harder than I thought, but I spoke through them. “I’ve never loved any of you! I only love her! And you,” I pointed at Arianne, “Are the pitiful one. I hope no one falls for your sorry excuse of a female. You’re not even good in bed.” I spat, pushing the boys away before walking to the door and slamming it behind me. I got in my car and drove onto the main street. I put my high beams on in hopes of seeing Sage walking on the sidewalk to her house and sure enough, ten minutes later there she was. I rolled the window down as I drove up next to her. “Get in the car Sage.” I yelled.

“Leave me alone.”

“Please Sage, get in the car.” I pleaded.


I drove even slower. “Sage, baby, please.” I begged. “Please just let me explain what happened, let me explain everything to you. I’ll take you straight home after.”

She stopped walking and looked at me. It was then I saw the mascara running down her cheeks. Her hair was frizzy and I cursed myself for hurting this angel in front of me. “Okay.” She whispered. I unlocked the door and she slid into the truck, buckling herself up. Her stomach growled a little bit as she stared out the window. I drove in silence, my hand itching to place itself on her knee, like I always did when I drive but I thought that now was not a good time. I pulled into the diner where we first met and turned off the truck. Before I could even unbuckle myself, Sage was already out the car and walking to the door of the diner. I sighed and bit back the tears that I wanted so badly to release. I got out the truck and closed the door, locking it behind me, following her inside.


After we were seated in the booth and menus were placed in front of us, I grabbed mine and hid my face from his gaze. I didn’t want to start crying again and I could promise you it was going to happen if I looked him in the eye one more time. “Sage, please look at me.” He pleaded. I ignored him. He grabbed my menu and slammed it down on the table, the sound echoing inside the empty diner. He leaned across the table and forced me to look at him. He was already crying. I felt myself choke up. “I know you’re hurting but you have to believe me.”

“Believe what? That you cheated on me?”

He slammed his hands down on the table. “I didn’t cheat on you!”

“Then what was she doing in your room? She wasn’t just some random girl Jason! So, yeah, maybe you didn’t cheat on me tonight but what about another time?” I stopped and thought for a second. “Was it that night you didn’t come over? The night you said you stayed at the apartment? Was she there?”

“No.” he whispered.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Yeah, you’re famous for that shit.” He chuckled. “If I wanted to cheat on you, I wouldn’t have done it while you were there. I wouldn’t have waited until you finally said you were ready to give yourself to me to cheat on you. What sense does that make?”

“Have you slept with her before?” I asked. He just stared at me, not saying a word. “I guess that’s my answer.” I whispered, scooting out of the booth.

He grabbed my arm. “Sit down, please Sage just let me talk.” I nodded and sat back down, crossing my arms across my chest. “I had my first big fight when you were dating Captain Douchebag. Like tonight, Miles and Kaden were throwing a party and I was going to make my way to your house but I remembered you guys had date night or whatever and I didn’t want to risk the chance of him finding out it was me sleeping in your bed every night and not him. It would’ve satisfied me that he found out but I knew it would hurt you so I let it go. I went to the party and I was no fun. It pissed me off, actually, that I was celebrating my first huge fight and you weren’t celebrating with me, but you didn’t know so I couldn’t blame you. So, I smoked a little, and I drank a little…maybe a lot. I don’t remember. I do remember meeting Arianne though. I told her how I felt about you before you even knew. She told me that I was being friend zoned and I didn’t deserve it because I was a good guy. Damn right, I was a good guy.” He paused. “She said she could make me feel better. I believed her. I was so drunk I didn’t know what was happening until I felt her lips around my dick. I wanted to stop her but I didn’t. Why should I have? I didn’t have you. I didn’t anyone and I was sick of feeling like shit. So I let it happen. There was one more hook-up after that. That was it. I cut it off way before I ever asked you to be my girlfriend, but she never gave up. She couldn’t accept that I wanted someone else more than I wanted her. She’s been trying to get me inside of her since that one-night months ago. I told her to fuck off the night you stayed over for the first time ever. She didn’t get the hint. I should’ve known that by her being there something was going to happen, but I didn’t expect for you to leave my side. I was glued to you the whole night because you were my main priority. I didn’t want anyone trying to get their hands on you. You’ve got to believe me Sage, I didn’t do anything to hurt you.” He said, reaching for my hands as the waitress walked across the floor to our table. I let him grab them, because I did believe him and I didn’t know if I should be scared because of that or happy that I know this guy in front of me wouldn’t hurt me intentionally. I released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I whispered, and I meant it. 

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