Chapter One

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It has always been peaceful in district twelve. But never quite like this.Today the mockingjays are singing their wonderful songs. I stayed in the woods all day. Watching the sun rise and then set. Now that i have most of my strength back i can hunt bigger things like wild dogs and deer, which is always a pleasent surprise for Greasy Sae. At dusk, i walk back past the town where Peeta's Bakery lies. Since he has come back he and other people who came home, rebuilt some of the stores around the town whilst i mourned over Prim. He hasn't had any Tracker Jacker outbursts either so i hope that today will not be an acception. This would be the FIRST time i have spoken to him since the 'primrose' incident. I walk into the warm bakery, hesitate for a minute, then ring the bell on the wooden counter. Peeta, strong and handsome as ever walks in from what i estimate to be the kitchen, covered from head to toe in flour. The look on his face is face when he sees me isn't one of fear, or even anger. It is of happyness. Which surprised me because i was preparing myself to be strangled again.
"What are you doing out so late?" Peeta asks. "Shouldn't you be having dinner right about now?"
"I just wanted to come by and see how the buisness and you were doing that's all." I say in a shy manner. 
"Here." Peeta tossed me a bun of some sort. Then i smelt it, a waft of cheese ingulfed my nose. He remembered.
Me and Peeta sat there until midnight talking and baking together. Of course i am terrible at it but he tries to help me as much as he can. When he falls at first i laugh, then i remembered that he has an artificial leg and i got scared and helped him up.Then we both laughed together.I am glad that i finally have someone to talk to. I went home and slept full of bread. My nightmares are terrible that night. Peeta's mother and father screaming at me saying im the one who seperated them from their son and that i have ruined Peeta's life. I am glad that i am woken up by someone. I hope it is Peeta but i highly doubt that he would be able to hear my screams from three doors down. Instead of Peeta, i wake up to a farmillar, but unusual face. Gale. 

I instinctively cover my body up with the cover as i am only dressed in thin night robes.
"Gale! What are you doing here?" I shout, in a tone which is excited and worried at the same time. 
"I came to see you. Katniss. I want to be with you. All those other girls mean nothing to me. You are the only one i have ever loved." His voice is croaky as if he is going to burst into tears at any moment. He leant in to give me a kiss. At the last minute i pull away.
" Gale, you have had our whole lives to be with me. I thought that i only needed you. Now i realise that i can do well on my own. Anyway, i want to be in love with Peeta." I said in an outburst of emotion. Gale waits for this to sink in before walking out of the room. I quickly throw on my dressing gown and slippers before following him. As i got to the front door, Gale was approaching Peeta's house. Before i knew it i let out a scream that echoed through the whole village. As Gale burst through Peeta's locked doors i sprinted to Haymitch's house to wake him to help. But to my surprise, he was awake and just as ready as me to leave and see what the heck was going on. As soon as we ran through the door of Peeta's house we heard moaning and groaning and many sounds of pain. I tried to ran upstairs but Haymitch pushed me to the floor. 
"You wait down here sweetheart. Ill sort them out." Haymitch said ebruptly.
Before i even had time to reply he raced up the stairs. I walked into Peeta's lounge and admired photographs of his family members. Then i came across a scrap book entitled 'Girl On Fire'. I don't have time to look through it though because Haymitch comes down with a bloody Peeta, and a Broken Gale. 

The sight of two of the three men in my life mangled like this because of me sent me into a state of tears. Peeta was the one to comfort me. Even though his head and various other parts of his body were bleeding and practically all of his body bruised, he still wrapped his warm arms around me and told me everything was going to be okay. Gale on the other hand was escorted out by Haymitch who gave me a wink as they left. That did not amuse me, this is not the time to be windng me up or making a joke of this. It was my fault two people i love are now hurt and i cant help but feel ahamed of myself. I clean up peeta. Wash him down and bandage him. Before i leave i make him some warm milk with honey and spices, just the way he likes it.
"Thank-you Katniss. For everything." Said Peeta.
" Thank-you? Gale could have KILLED you tonight Peeta, and it is all because of me." I take a pause. Just before Peeta takes a deep breath in as if to start a debate, i say "Peeta, you know what? The hunger games was a good thing. Even though it makes the hairs on my arms stand on edge when i talk about it."
"How so?" said Peeta, he says it in a tone which makes me pause and think over what i just said.
"Firstly, i saved Prim's life. I mean, i know that she's dead now, but at least i got SOME time with her. 
Even though the whole time we were together i was thinking about myself and what to do about you and Gale." i start to tear up. " I COULDN'T EVEN KEEP HER SAFE. I thought i had! When i voulenteered for her at the reaping i thought that she would get to live her life. But no. Three years later and look where we are. Shes DEAD even though i should be. That is what i planned. Christ i expected to be dead in the first games. Then i was sure in the second games that i would make you survive but then snow got to you and i knew that i had to be alive to see you. I wanted to take that nightlock pill Peeta. When i killed Coin. To end my life. If it wasn't for you i would be dead. Now i think that it was a good thing. I didn't think it at the time. At the time i hated you. I never thought that you would be 'Peeta' again and for that i hated you becuase 'Peeta' was the only one who truely understood me. I never got the time to thank you for saving me. So thank-you Peeta. Thank-you for everything since we were 5 years old."Tears are now streaming down my red cheeks like rivers down a hillside. Peeta embraces me and wipes my tears. He reasures me that there was nothing i could have done about Prim and it was neither mine nor Gale's fault.
"Katniss, i thought i should be dead too. Heck, i thought i was going to die tonight. But you are always the one to save me. Always." We get so close i can feel the warmth of his breath on my lips. We jump apart when the arrow comes flying through the lounge window. Centimeters from my head. 



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