Chapter Eleven.

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I wake up, next to my newly wed husband, i wouldn't rather have woken up any other way. I feel closer to Peeta now more than ever. I no longer feel alone. I feel complete. Peeta is still sound asleep, undoubtably enjoyed last night as much as i did. I raise myself from Peeta and examine the mess that is our bedroom. Bombsite. Peeta's suit has been littered in chunks around the room, my dress, carefully places on the chest of drawers, bridal lingerie torn in places, never to be used again, To be honest, they were a little flimsey. I am so deep in my thoughts, i dont even realise when Peeta wakes. I am leaning on my side when Peeta places his hands around my waist, that is when i realise that i am completely naked. He envelopes me into an embrace, which i needed, i was getting rather embarresed. I smile into Peeta's neck. I move my leg slightly forward to find that my estimations of Peeta being naked also, were true. I blush a little, which he notices. Peeta moves a strand of hair from my god awful looking face and smiles at me. 
'You're beautiful.' He says, kissing my cheek. ' Dont ever say different again...' He says, trailing off. 
'What? How did you know i-' I ask, but Peeta cuts me off mid-sentence.
'Baby, you whispered it under your breath.' He says, chuckling as i can feel my face grow redder. He plants a kiss on my cheek as Effie bursts into the room. 
'We're beh- OH. URM. SORRY.' She says, evacuating the room.
'What was that about?' I ask Peeta.
'Katniss, our honeymoon.' Peeta replies. 
'RIGHT, UM, Where are we going?' I ask.
''Effie arranged, i have no idea.' He says. We both dress kissing as much as possible in the process. We make our way to the living room at around 1pm, we slept A LONG TIME. I guess we were really tired after yesterday. We enter the living room to the presence of Effie, Haymitch, and my mother. 
'Well you took your time' Haymitch says, making fun of us as usual. I stand there, stunned at my mother. 
'Well yeah. We are married you know?' Peeta manages to reply. 
'Katniss, im sorry.' My mother says. 
'Mom, you couldn't even make it to my WEDDING.' I say, fighting for my words. 
'I know Katniss, i am so sorry.' My mother reaches out, touching my arm, i fling my shoulder back at her touch, disgusted by her.
'NO MOM. I don't forgive you. This was the ONE day i have ever asked you to come back here. You couldn't even do THAT? You're barely even my mother anymore.' I regret my words almost as quicly as they came, but i stand my ground. Meaning what i had said. 
'I tried Katniss, i really did!' She begs, i am shocked to be pulled into the hallway by my husband. 
'What?' I ask,
'Hey, give her a break. She has apoligized, just tell her that you wont forgive her for not being there, but she's still a part of you and you love her. Because i KNOW that you do Katniss.' Peeta says, grabbing my hands and kissing my forehead. I know he is right. I go inside, and do exactly as Peeta had told me. She congradulated us, thanked Peeta for everything that he had done, and left as quick as she came. Haymitch also congradulated us and left in his drunken mess. Effie walked us to the express train station, she kissed both of out foreheads, crying and telling us how much we had grown, and how she was going to miss us. We thanked her for being so nice, organising the wedding, and ni-on saving our lives many times. We boarded the train, and left in a fast manner. We sit, talk, kiss, and enjoy eachothers company. We step out of the train from the salty smell i know where we are...We are in District 4...My suspisions are confirmed when we are greeted with Annie and Finn. 


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