Chapter Thirteen.

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Placing the pictures from Annie takes up more time than i thought, i look through pictures i haven't looked at in a long time. Peeta and i didn't talk the whole way home. I was in my own little world of worthlessness, while Peeta continued to pull himself together after i told him we wouldn't have children. I do feel bad for crushing his dreams of having children, but i would not be a good mother, and i couldn't even do something like being a mother, i mean i am not very emotionally deep am i? Peeta however would be a great father. He is not afraid to show his emotions. I look at the picture of Peeta playing games with Finn, there is something very special about watching a man play games with a child. It makes me feel warm inside. Another reason i dont want kids, is that i would plant everything on Peeta, Nappy changes, walks to the meadow, i mean, if i could plant the whole LABOUR on him, i think i would. I know that Peeta has dreamt about having children; i just cant give that to him. I walk into the kitchen, i am alone in the house as Peeta has gone for a walk in the woods, i wanted to go with him but he said that he needed some alone time, no doubt to think about the situation on the train. I prepare dinner, i make beef stew. I cube the beef, put spices, vegetables, and water into the slow cooker and place the lid on top. It should be cooking for a few hours, so i will wait until Peeta is home to take it out. I set the timer for 8.00pm, which i two hours from now. 
It is now 9.30pm and there is no sign of Peeta. I am very worried. He was in the woods. Unprotected. ANYTHING could have got to him, a bear, is my worst fear. I decide to venture out to see where he is, i turn off the slow cooker and head out into the woods with my flashlight. The only place he knows where to go too off by heart is the lake, so i decide to go there first. I take my time, making sure i dont miss him on the way. No sign of Peeta Mellark. My heart is pounding, i cant loose him now. Suddenly, i feel all the guilt pile ontop of my shoulders. I should have just lied and said that there was a possibility that we would have a baby. Then i realise that it would be wrong to get his hopes up. Nearing the lake, i see someone with blond hair sitting at the lake, skimming stones across the lake. I dont know what to do, now that i know he is safe, do i leave? Do i stay? I can hear him talking to himself, which baffles me. I take one step forward, then i realise he is singing. 
'Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head. and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.' Peeta sings, unaware of my preasence.
'You know, even though we are married, i have never heard you sing.' Peeta says, shocking me. Looks like he has known i was here all along. 
'That's because i dont sing.' I reply, standing next to Peeta, picking my rock and flinging it over the water, it doesn't skim though. Peeta picks up another, places his arms around mine and guides me on how to skim the rock, in one swift motion, the rock glides across the water. 
'Please, for me.' He says, turning my shoulders so that i am facing him.
'Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from any harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true.
Here is the place where i love you.' I finish the song for him. He plants a kiss on my forehead.
'Thank you.' He says, skimming another rock. 
'You know, i was worried about you.' I say, folding my arms.
'Were you now?' He replies. 'Well i am sorry.' He finally says. 
'Don't do that again.' I say. Peeta stops in his tracks, 
'Do what?' He asks, actually curious.
'Firstly, not tell me how long you are going to be on your 'walk'. Peeta i thought i had lost you, and secondly, Not talk to me all day, im sorry i cant give you what you want Peeta, but you knew that i never wanted children when you got down on one knee.' I say, starting to cry.
'Shh, I'm sorry, about everything. I just thought that, seeing you like that with Finn, might have changed your mind thats all. Of course i am upset about not having kids, but i am going to do everything to make YOU happy Katniss, anything you want i will do. Just being married with you is more than i ever wanted.' Peeta says, cradling me in his arms while i sob into his chest. 
'Dinner is ready by the way.' I say while Peeta wipes away my tears. We walk hand in hand back to the house, i serve the dinner, which Peeta claims to 'Love' and we cuddle up on the couch, watching the darkness cascade over the sky through the window. My eyes get heavy, i fall asleep, there and then, lying across my husband. Why can't i give him what he wants? I think to myself, diving into a deep sleep. 


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