Chapter Nineteen.

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I sit there, wincing at the pain which is taking over my groin. I have asked my mother to deliver the baby, she was very pleased by this. Peeta is sat next to me, trying to calm me down by kissing my hand which is clenching on his, and head. He tries to remain calm for my sake, when the tears hit my hand i realise that he is more excited then i had once thought. Now that my waters have broken, the pain is much more excruciating. My mother remains calm for my sake, she is a professional, so it should be easy for her. 
'Katniss, i am going to check how dialated you are, is that okay?' She asks, i nod.
'EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH' I say when i have another harsh contraction. 'JUST GET IT OUT OF ME!' I shout, my mother and Peeta both remain calm.
'Darling that is your job, in due time, for now, relax. You are 5cm dialated, therefore, you around half way gone.' She says. As i didnt want to go to the capitol for the birth, we dont have much pain relief. My mother slips some sleeping syrup into my mouth to ease the pain. It wont sedate me, just ease the pain a little. I am completely naked from the waist down, Peeta see's that i am embaressed and covers me up with a blanket, he kisses my forehead as i scream in pain again. It was good that he covered me up when he did, because a now married Haymitch and Effie burst through the door coming to see me. 
'Katniss, hear me out. Effie cant have kids, she doesnt want to miss this birth... PLEASE let her stay and watch.' Haymitch asks, face hopeful.
'As long as you stay behind me, you can both stay.' I say, Peeta looks at me and smiles. Effie bursts into tears saying 'Thank you' at least 20 times. 10 minutes later, my mother comes through the living room door with some sterilised scissors, towels, baby blankets and a prepette to get the water out of the baby's nose and mouth when it is born. Now, we play the waiting game.
Mother checks how far along i am, when she measures how much i am dialated, her eyes widen
'Katniss, it is time' She says, preparing everything for the birth. I look at Peeta, we share an intimate kiss before, 
'I love you.' Peeta whispers into my ear.
'I love you more.' I whisper back.
'OKAY KATNISS PUSH.' My mother says, gloves on, ready for the birth. Effie and Haymitch, do as promised and stand behind me so they dont see any of my private parts. I push as hard as i can for what seems like forever.
'Okay Katniss,its crowning, just have to get past the shoulders, then it is plain sailing.' She says, motioning me to push.
'I cant, i cant mom,' I say, ceasing to push any longer, she surprises me with her reply. In an outburst of emotion she yells
'God damn it Katniss, if you dont push, this baby WILL die.' When she finishes, she sits back down, prepared to help the baby through. I push harder than ever. I get encouraging words from Peeta, 'You can do it baby,' and 'Nearly there'. I am overjoyed when my mother says 'One more push Katniss. I push as hard as humanly possible and then there is a massive release on my groin. FINALLY i think. I look at Peeta, he is crying, he passionately kisses me as my mother cleans the child up, taking the water out of its. nose, mouth and also eyes. She looks up at us. 
'Congradulations, you have a girl.' I burst into tears, as does Peeta. My mother motions Peeta over, he cuts the umbilical cord. My mother wraps the girl into the blanket and hands her over to me. 
'What are you going to call her?' Effie asks through her tears. Peeta and i look at eachother and simaltaneously say 'Primrose', making my mother burst into a fit of tears. I pass Primrose over to Peeta, he instantly loves her. After he held her, she was passed to none other than Haymitch Abernathy. I study Haymitch's expression as he held our newborn child, he smiled, then tears fell from his eyes. He then passed her to Effie, who was in too much of a state to hold her for long, she was passed to my mother next, who smiled and cried, taking Prim's hand around her thumb. Peeta held her again before she was passed back to me. My mother takes a photo of Peeta, Primrose and i, i look pale as ever. I am happy to have another Primrose in my life. Happy that i agreed to have a child. Happy that it could be Peeta's. 


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