Chapter Four.

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I do feel sory for Peeta, having lost everything in one burst. Yes i know, i lost Prim and my mother left me to nurse others and my father to the mines but, overall, i am okay. Peeta on the other had lost all of his family at once. Last night, i tried to please Peeta as much as humanly possible, we kissed alot, i made his favorite dinner, we sat and watched movies together. There wasn't much more that i could have done to persuade Peeta to stay. He didn't in the end. He cried most of the way through the night, so in the end he ended up just going home and leaving me here, alone, fighting off the nightmares. 
I do have them. From my previous dreams of Peeta leaving me for Clove, this one is much more vivid. I can see Peeta and Clove fornicating in the woods of the first games. I wake up screaming out Peeta's name. He isnt here though. Noone is. I put on my hunting jacket and boots. I can tell from the light that it is around 2.00am. I make a pass around the town centre, i was thinking about going into Peeta's bakery but i figured that he is probably asleep. I look inside but cannot see properly through the darkness, i decide to just make my way into the woods. I instantly feel better when i reach the woods. It is like home. As i venture further into the woods. I see glimpses of things that were in my nightmare. I panic. I run toward the lake as fast as i can. When i reach the lake, i feel the tears fall down my cheeks. I curl up into a little ball on the floor and cry myself to sleep. It isnt safe to sleep out here. But still, i do.
'KATNISS. KATNISS!' Peeta shakes me awake. When i am awake, i see the still water of the lake which is almost steaming from the top. I let my eyes meet the frantiic ones of Peeta.
'Katniss, why did you come out here? It took me forever to find you!' Peeta says, embracing me.
'What?' I ask.
'I saw you through the window of the bakery. When i came out, you were gone,,,Then i saw you entering the woods, then i heard your cries then i couldnt find you. but thank GOD you are okay..ARE YOU HURT?' Peeta says checking me for any wounds.
'No Peeta i am fine.' I say laughing.
'Why did you come out here anyway?' Peeta asks.
'I had a nightmare...a bad one.' I reply, slightly embarresed. 
'What about?' he asks, embracing me once more. 
'You, and Clove from the first games. You left me for her during the games, i saw you, DO things with her in the brush. I ran when i got into the woods because i thought i saw things from my nightmares in the woods' I say, burying myself into Peeta's neck. 
'Katniss. I would NEVER leave you. You are everything to me now. That would NEVER happen. I will always love you Katniss Everdeen.' Peeta says, looking right into my eyes. I tear up.
'I love you too Peeta Mellark.' I say, tears now freely falling down my cheeks. We sit there together until Peeta decides that we should leave. We both head our seperate ways once we reach the district as i need to get home and Peeta needs to get back to the bakery. 
Peeta and i have been together for just over three weeks now, they have been the best of my life. He treats me as if i am a princess. As the meadow has grown over with grass and dandilions have also started to appear, Peeta and i are having a picnic on the meadow. I think it takes alot of will power for both of us to go onto this meadow considering i pretty much caused all of their deaths and Peeta's family are somewhere beneath out feet. I hear Peeta inhale deeply, I place my arm around his centre back and walk alongside him, this seems to calm him down a little. Peeta lays the picnic blanket out onto the floor for us to sit on, when we are seated, he takes out our picnic, i dive right into the cheese buns which he made. 
'Katniss?' Peeta says as we finish eating.
'Yes Peeta?' I ask innocently.
'Katniss i have loved you ever since i first layed eyes on you. I want you to be mine forever.Katniss Everdeen, will you marry me?' Peeta asks as he falls to one knee. I feel mini rivers fall down my cheeks as i reply ... (TO BE CONTINUED). *FEEDBACK, COMMENT, LIKE PLEASE* 


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