Chapter Twelve.

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Annie isn't a stranger to the fact that we came here for 'Alone time' she takes us to the best hotel in D4, Effie had booked us the 'Penthouse' for memories, most of which i do not want to remember. We unpack the things that Effie had prepared for us then make our way to the beach. The beach brings back memories from the second games, some good, most bad. I decide not to go into the water, neither does Peeta, that brings back thoughts of Finnick. Soon enough, we leave the beach and proceed to Annie's house to see her and Finn. We enter her house, it is rather huge actually, everywhere i look i can see pictures of Finnick, Finnick and Annie, Finn, Annie and Finn. I feel tears murge to my eyes when i see an image of me, Peeta and Finnick. 

'Oh yeah, i forgot, THAT is your wedding gift, I hope you like it, i thought your house needed a little bit of Finnick.' Annie says, wiping my tears before Peeta sees. 

'Thank you.' I say, holding the frame close. 

'Oh, i got pictures made of Peeta and Finn, and You and Finn as well, i thought you might like THEM as well.' She says handing me another four framed images. This place is bringing me to tears. This could turn into a train wreck before we know it. 

Peeta takes the pictures in his hands and does the same as me. I place the frames onto the table and hold Peeta close to me. Never wanting to let go. We sit hand in hand in the lounge area of the house, we sit on the sofe, sipping tea Annie had just made. 

'So, how was your night?' Annie asks.

'Good thank you,' Peeta replies, Annie looks at me, then says 

'Peeta, would you mind taking Finn out onto the swing set out in the back? My legs hurt, and he LOVES you, Additionally i want to talk to Katniss, in private?' Annie asks, Peeta just simply nods and exits, Finn in his arms. 

'Katniss!' Annie whisper yells as i day dream while watching Peeta exit. Are we going to have children? I think to myself. NO. NO CHILDREN. I make the decision then listen to Annie. 

'How was last NIGHT?' She asks. Putting enphasis on the word 'Night' 

'I don't know what you are implying?' I say, dumbly. She raises her eyebrows.

'Any potential babies?' She asks, Smirking.

'OH GOD NO. We erm, we, used protection...' I say, trailing off, rather wishing Peeta would come back to put a stop to this awkward conversation.

'Thats good then. So it ACTUALLY happened?' She asks.

'Yes' I say, smiling while remembering it.

'How was it?' She asks. Woah, this is getting personal.

'Amazing.' I simply say, thankful that Peeta has just entered the room.

'Thank you so much Peeta.' Annie says, taking Finn out of his hands and handing him to me. We talk for the day, remembering things about the past, Finnick, Finn, we talk about the wedding, about how we think Effie and Haymitch are 'SECRETLY' dating. It is rather cute though, them sneeking around. The other day, i caught them together in Haymitch's bedroom. What were they doing in there? TOGETHER? When the time is right i am sure that they will tell us what is going on. The next few days consist of spending time with Annie and Finn, and having 'Alone time' with Peeta. We are just about to board the train home when Annie stops me. 

'You forgot these.' She says, handing me the pictures, I give her a hug, Peeta kisses her hand and we bid her a goodbye until we next see her, which will be soon because she wants us to see Finn as much as possible, being his only 'Aunt and uncle'. 

'Katniss?' Peeta says, grabbing my attention.

'Yes love?' I say.

'I want you to awnser this honestly, i wont think of you ANY differently however you answer it. But, Is there ANY possibility of us having children?' He asks. This catches me off guard. I dont know how to respond, so i say the truth...

'No.' I say, looking away, when i turn toward him again i can see a tear fall down Peeta's cheek, triggering my own to burst out.


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