Chapter Nine.

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Finn is such a beautiful child. He has eyes like his fathers, beauty like his mother, and he has the sensitivity, and vulnerability of them both. He will grow into an amazing man. Just like his father. Peeta loves Finn. He holds him non-stop when he is here. Annie has decided to stay with us for a week or so. I haven't held Finn once though. Not because Peeta is hogging him, but because i don't want too. He reminds me too much of Finnick, and besides. I dont want children. 
'C'mon Kat, you HAVE to hold him at some point PLEASE. Finnick would have wanted you too.' Annie pleads. I just shake my head. Peeta exchanges a look Annie. He stands above where i am sat, and releases his grasp on Finn. He falls, I catch him though. I gasp when he lands in my hands. He is so tiny, i think i might break him. Beautiful. He brings tears to my eyes as i think of how it is wrong that I am holding Finnick's child when Finnick hasn't. I plant a kiss on Finn's forehead. I feel more relaxed now. Peeta sits next to us and kisses my forehead as well as Finn's. I KNOW that he wants children. I just CAN'T I wouldn't be a good mother, not to mention the pain. My mother always said that the reward of a child is so much greater than that of the pain, but i dont care. I dont think that it would work. Having children just isnt in my plans.
When Annie leaves, i miss her and Finn already. It was like having a piece of Finnick back with me. Peeta got very attached with Finn. He makes hints at children even now, even unmarried, and not that itimate yet. He STILL hints that someway, he will convince me to concieve. He wont. 
I have just recieved a package in the post, from Effie. I open it, to find a wedding planning book, already completely filled out. She has planned EVERYTHING from colours to flowers, from food to music. She. Is WONDERWOMAN. I turn to a sample of the invitation, it reads.
'You are hereby invited to the union of Miss Katniss Everdeen and Mr Peeta Mellark.
WOAHWOAHWOAH. 11th June? That is in a week. I run into the bedroom where Peeta is sprawled out on the bed, fast asleep. 
'PEETA!' I shout, waking him.
'What?' He asks, confused. 
'Our wedding is in a WEEK.' I say, handing him the book. He reads through, smiling as he goes. I love it when he smiles. He can lighten up ANY room when he smiles. He has an infectious personality. When he finishes reading, he picks me up by my waist, spinning me in the air as we go. I wrap my legs around his waist as we intimately kiss through Haymitch's arrival. 
'UHUM.' Haymitch clears his throught.'Am i interupting?' He asks as i climb off of Peeta.
'YES.' I shout. 
'Well you are wanted downstairs by Effie. But, Peeta, you cant be here. So you're coming into town with me for a while.' He says, leading Peeta away. Peeta kisses my cheek as he leaves. I walk to meet Effie. 
'What's up?' I ask, hugging her. 
'I have your dress.' She says smiling. 'It was Cinna's design for his marriage, but sadly, his wife also passed. I bought rights to the dress. It is ALL YOURS.' She says, as i smile from ear so ear. I unzip the bag, looking at the dress. My jaw drops and my eyes widen. It is sexy, but elegant. Simply amazing. I can also tell that it is Cinna's handywork because of the stiching which has been used. Effie sends me upstairs to help me try it on, i turn to her, she begins to cry. I look at myself. Tears flow down my cheeks now as well.
'Oh, My,GOSH.' I hear from the hallway. It is Haymitch. 
'Sweetheart, you look amazing.' He says walking in, kissing my forehead.
'Where is Peeta?' I ask.
'He's trying on his suit. Thought i would come and check on you.' Haymitch says. A lone tear falls down his cheek 

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