Chapter Six.

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I have a minute to wonder what they are doing here. Why would they NEED to be here? The games have been officially declared over. They shoo Peeta over to his house, where his prep team and Haymitch await. My prep team explain to me that Haymitch made a call to Plutach, now president, and said how we were engaged to be wed. OBVIOUSLY Plutach was thrilled and wanted a celebration. Haymitch agreed, purely to spite me, and now we have to go back to the Capitol to have dinner with the highest people. Of course, we ARE some of the most well known people, so the whole thing will be televised to the remains of Panem, and Peeta and i will have to show everyone that Peeta is no longer hijacked by getting him to make speeches and do things that he used to, such as bake.
All my prep team can talk about is how excited they are for the wedding, and how they cannot wait to get started on my dress. Effie is nodding along and butting in about the plans as we go. My prep team abandon Effie, who makes a trip to see Peeta, and takes me up to the bathroom to cleanse. Once i am done, They do my hair in a 'Fishtail Braid' and hand me a dress. I read the label, 'Cinna Fashions'. I ask the prep team what they mean by this; they explain that back in the capitol everyone looks up to Cinna, he is cherished. So they have many designed dresses, and partly designed dresses that Cinna couldn't finish before he passed, and they are put into a display and only the richest of Panem can afford such luxuary. It doesn't seem fair, but it puts Cinna's name into the books, and makes his legacy live on, so i am fine with it. I am no longer wearing 'Girl on fire' related clothing, but a sleek, purple gown which flows to my feet. I am wearing purple shoes with diamante heels.. They look fantastic. When i look at myself in the mirror, I see that i look beautiful. I leave the house, simaltaneously alongside Peeta. He stops, looks me up and down, blushes then smiles. I also blush when my eyes meet his. He walks in my direction and entwines my fingers with his. Haymitch is behind us so i make a point of kicking him in his groin with my heel. He folds onto the floor holding himself as me and Peeta walk on. Effie obviously shouts about my 'Manners' but i dont care. This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for him! We're on what is called an 'Express Train' This will take us directly to the capitol in a matter of hours, hence why we have been done up before the dinner. Peeta and i walk through to my old room on the train. We sit on the bed before Haymitch and Effie burst inside. 
'No no no' Haymitch says, 'Do that LATER not now.' He finishes.
'HAYMITCH!' I shout, standing onto my feet. 
'SWEETHEART!' He mimics.
'What makes you THINK that, that is what we were going to do NOW?' I ask 'Just because we are ENGAGED doesn't mean we are going to make love. Well not yet anyway. PLUS I DONT WANT CHILDREN!' I raise my voice as i near the end of this sentence.
'Calm down sweetheart!' Haymitch suggests. Patting my shoulder.
'Why dont we go get something to drink Katniss? But nothing alcoholic, we dont want to end up like Haymitch here do we?' Effie suggests as we walk into the bar car of the train. Peeta and i are seperated for the whole train ride to the capitol, making need well up inside of me. I have NEVER felt it this extreme before. When we exit the train, Peeta makes sure to grab my hand, not letting go the whole way. I can understand why. This is the place of his nightmares. This is where we fell apart. This is where he got hijacked. 
We walk through the doors of the building and i can smell a concophony of different smells. We walk through the chambers where there is several plaques of Honour, i make a point of reading them.
'To Primrose Everdeen, for her courage, commitment, and loyalty through life and death.'
'To Finnick Odair, for his determination and forgiveness through life and death' 
'To Peeta Mellark, for making best of any situation and persevering through the tough, through life.' 
'To Katniss Everdeen, for her courage, determination and ability to deflect her emotions in any situation, Forever mockingjay.' 
'To Gale Hawthorne, for his courage and determination through life and death.' DEATH? I think, i look at Peeta, who is just as stunned. I walk to the wall of rememberance, i see Prim's plaque, at the bottom lies Gale's. Gale passed a week ago due to emense depression and cancer of the lungs. I fall onto the floor into a fit of tears. I look to my right, Peeta is doing the same. 


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