Chapter Twenty-One ~(FINAL CHAPTER)~

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'I'm done' I say rolling over the freashly sprouted dandilions. 
'But WHY?' Peeta pleads, laughing.
'Peeta, you got two more kids out of me than you were. Dont push..' I say, looking at our beautiful children. Primrose is now four, she looks just like me, dark hair and gray eyes. Beautiful. Then there is Beau, he is two, he has blond curls and blue eyes. Like his father. 
'Okay, maybe another.' I smile at Peeta, remembering how holding both of our children as newborns was so magical. 
'That is all i wanted.' He says as he picks a dandilion from the meadow and places it behind my ear. I smile up at him. We share a passionate kiss. When we stop, we look toward the children. Primrose had stopped Beau and is pointing at us, signalling him to look in our direction.
'ARE YOU LOOKING AT US KISS AGAIN?' Peeta shouts, jokingly.
'That's it!' Peeta shouts, running after Primrose. She runs away. Beau waddles over and jumps into my arms. We watch as Peeta catches up to her pushes her lightly to the floor and tickles her in the grass. When he gives up, he picks her up and kisses her. She laughs and runs into my arms as well. We have gotten closer as she has aged, but she is still daddy's little princess. Peeta and i age with the children, not stopping falling deeper in love with eachother every day. Haymitch completely gave up drinking four years ago, he hasn't gone near a drink since. He and Primrose are extremely close, she calls him 'Groggy Haymitch', She still cant say 'Granddad.' I look toward our growing little girl, she puts together a dandilion chain, two in fact. She places one on Peeta's head and stops. 
'OH MOMMY. I DIDNT MAKE YOU ONE.' She says, 'This one is Groggy's.' She looks sad. 
'Its okay sweetie, you make one for yourself.' She runs to the edge of the meadow where there is many more dandilions. Beau runs after her. He looks up to his big sister, it is good that they are so close. I sit there with Peeta, dandilion still in my hair. 
'Deep in the meadow, under the willow.' Peeta begins.
'A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.' I finish. We both laugh, laying in the blistering sun. My hand traces Peeta's face. Feeling every part of it, more thoroughly. 
'MOMMY!' Primrose shouts as she runs to us. 'Look what i found' she says. She places the mockingjay pin into my hands. Me and Peeta exchange a look. I burst into tears, because Primrose has the emotions of Prim, she sits next to me, tears forming in her gray eyes. I wipe them away, saying she will know when she is older what it means. Peeta rubs my back, trying to make me feel better, it does. We give the children to a happy Haymitch and an, as always, delighted Effie. We make our way to the house, watch TV, bake. I take the wilted dandilion out from my hair and place it in the composting bin. Peeta embraces me from behing, kissing my sunburnt shoulder, trailing them all the way up my neck. He places his chin on my shoulder and we both look out or the window in the kitchen. 
'So, hows about we try for that baby?' He asks, playfully. 
'Sure, but we're using contraception...' I say, trailing off. 
'I know, i counted on it.' He says, picking me up, taking me upstairs. The kids run through the door at the moment we reach the top of the stairs. Thanky ou Haymitch. I think to myself. 
'Did we interupt?' Haymitch says, smirking. We both laugh as we all sit down at the kitchen table drinking tea. Many years of this to come. I smile to myself, thinoking of the future. The girl on fire is truely gone. 


thank you so much for reading everyone:) <3 LOVE YOU. 


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