Fashion 101

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Hi everyone! I am@Hoaduong445 but you can call me Jennifer.I will be informing you all about this month's fashion trend. This month's popular fashion trend is.....( drumming sound ) Plaid! Plaid shoes,plaid shirts,plaid dresses,etc. Plaid almost matches with everything!

Plaid,plaid, plaid..what would we do without you? For this month, another popular and crazy trend is animal skin!!! Zebras,tigers,Jaguars and more!! What is ever more fantastic then wearing jazzy, fun animal skin!( which is not real skin because that would be ilegal ) OMG! Have you seen what our celebs have been wearin?!? Taylor Swift has been wearing super blinding bright colors, which is supposed to be for summer. I mean, GURL! It's the starting of fall, so get your black, browns,and white ready.Talking about getting your colors ready, I almost forgot to mention Miley. I'm talking serious here, I mean come on! The fall weather is flying our way, it is getting colder and you are still wearin clothes that will knock the freak out of you??? I suppose lots of people don't understand fashion. It's fall and everyone who is NOT

God, I wonder what will be up next? Coats made of sheep? Wow, hearing about it makes me already excited. Thank you for taking your time to read this article.I hope you LIKED



Thank you so much for reading my first article!!! I am very thankful and I GTG!! Bye!!!!!!

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