Chapter 10: Happy Memories

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Cass POV 

I didnt feel like walking to where ever we were going so i rode Smokey bareback. Harry was a little skeptical about it, but assured him that it was safe. i know my horse inside and out. we walked through a field with Harry on left side and Zayn in front of use leading the way. the others must already be at the place. as we proceeded, i noticed we were entering the woods. i knew exactly where we were going. we stepped foot on the trail that led to the lake my family would spend time at. i sighed, and smiled leaning forward resting on SMokey's neck. Harry noticed look of happy longing on my face. 

"whats wrong?" he asked. 

"i know where we are going, Harry." i asnwered. 

"you do?" 

"yeah. my family would always spend time at the lake; having fun and all that. it was the one place that i really connected with my parents. i havent been back there since the accident, though." 

"we dont have to go if its too painful of a memory for you." 

"no," i smiled, "they are happy memories and i know exaclty why Janie chose it as the place to celebrate my birthday." 

"and why is that?" Harry asked, making it clear that Janie hadnt told him. 

"its where my parents ashes are scattered." i answered. Harry rubbed his hand on my thigh and i smiled at the though of  'seeing' my parents again.  

When we reached the lake, i dismoubted Smokey and unbridled him. i took his face in my hands, "do not graze to where i cant see you. i dont want you getting mauled by a cougar." 

he snorted and stomped his foot indicating that he understood. i kissed his nose and let him graze in the meadow. Harry stood next to me as i let my horse go. he took my had and we walked over to the blanket where Janie and the boys set up a picnick with my favorite foods. there was turkey, ham cheese, five different types od crackers, grapes, apples and so much more. Janie knew me so well. 

we all sat on the blanket. Harry sat next to me, putting some of his weight on one arm so i could lean on him. Janie lifted her soda can in the air, "to Cassandra, for finding happiness for the first time in a long, long while and may she and Harry last until death do them part." everyone said cheers ans Harry KIssed me passionately, sending heat through my body once again. we all sat and ate and talked. we laughed and that was only the beginning of the best birthday ever. 


Harry had decided to take me for a walk around the lake and Janie offered to watch Smokey for me. she had such an ecstatic look on her face. i wonder what she has planned? 

Harry and I walked around the lake. when we reached the other side, we stopped and Harry turned to me, "i know that we have only known each other for five days," he started, "but my feelings for you have grown immensly and still continue to grow." he pulled out a a ring with a small diamond on it, "i am, without a doubt, in love with you, Cassandra. this is a promise ring." he took my hand and slipped the ring onto my ring finger. "i promise you that we will get married one day and that i will always protect you from everything. you are mine and only mine and i need to know if you feel the same way too."b

i looked into his green eyes as mine filled with tears. i held his hands and said, "i am, without a doubt, in love with you too, Harry. and everything you promised me, i promise in return." 

he took a step closer to me, "i love you, Cassandra." 

"i love you, Harry." our lips connected and a firey spark ignited. something that i have never felt kissing Harry before. it was a kiss that binded us forever. my lips moved in sync with his as his hands moved from my cheeks to my waist and he pressed our bodies together, deepening the kiss. the fire grew stronger. when we pulled apart, he wrapped me in his warm, comforting embrace. we stood there in the quiet solitude of the forest. we heard no sounds except for each others breathing. i never wanted this to end. 

i have found happiness for the first time in what seemed like forever. but not even Harry's undefined love could have prepared me for thi emotional rollercoster that i will soon learn is life. 

my life. 



kinda a short chapter but i hope you all liked it! 

i always wonder who reads my fan fics, or any of my works for that matter. haha 

comment and vote!  

lots of love <3 

- jessi

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