Chapter 5: the kiss

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Louis POV: 

i woke up to find Harry, who did not spend the night in our room. i opened the door to Cass's in the slight chance that he might be in there. and i was right. i saw Cass laying on the side of her bed closest to the bathroom. Harry had his arm draped around her protectively. i couldnt help but smile. i could tell that Harry had a crush on Cass since he layed eyes on her. but why he had decided to spend the night in her room, i didnt know, and why she let him, i didnt know that either. 

i decided to let them be. i closed the door and walked downstairs and sat with the other boys on the couch. 

"where's Harry?" Liam asked. 

"he still asleep." i answered, and then added, "in Cass's bed." 

"What?!" the other three said in unison. 

"dont worry. they still had their clothes on. and Harry wouldn't do that. at least i dont think. there must have been a logical reason why he spent the night with her." i said.  

they all nodded in agreement. 

Cass POV: 

i woke up laying on my stomach. i flipped over onto my back and found Harry walking out of the bathroom. he had pants on, but no shirt. i could see his tattoos; the sparrows on his chest and the butterfly on his stomach being the most visible. i drew in a deep breath. Cass do not fangirl, i repeat do not fangirl. 

"good morning," he said in his husky voice. my heart jumped at the sound of his voice. i never thought that the first thing i would hear in the morning was the voice of Harry Styles. it was somewhat comforting. "did i wake you?" 

i just stared at him, still a little sleepy. "Cass, are you alright?" 

"what? oh yeah. no you didnt wake me." i sat up and brushed the hair away from my face. Harry walked over and sat down on the bed next to me, shirt still off. i could smell him from where i sat. he smelled so good! 

he gave me a flirty smile, and asked, "has anyone ever told you that you look beautiful first thing in the morning?" 

"no, not really," i said blushing. Oh stop it! you look rediculous! "hey.. um thanks for sleeping with me last  night. it has been a while since someone has held me comfortingly." my voice trailed off. "my mother always held me when i had nightmares when i was little. i'm seventeen and before the.. the accident she would still hold me when i was in a bad mood. so, thank you." i said awkwardly. 

"you are welcome," he replied. he stared into my eyes and i stared into his. "your eyes are very pretty." 

"thanks," i said. i saw his eyes flash toward my lips and before i knew it his lips were pressed onto mine. i know its cliche to say that sparks flew, but they did and i fucking loved it. our lips moved in sync and i couldnt help the butterflies that started in my stomach. and i swear that for the slightest second, i could feel our hearts beat as one. the kiss was passionate and sweet. when we pulled apart, i bit my lip and smiled. 

"sorry. i have to admit that i have been wanting to do that since i first layed my eyes on you." he said. 

"no dont be sorry," i touched my lips and smiled again. 

"what? i didnt hurt you did i?" 

"oh god no!! no, no. its just that... you were my first kiss." i confessed, a little ashamed. 

"really? you have never-" i cut him off. 

"no, ive never had a boyfreind." i said, tilting my head down toward my lap.  

he cupped my chin and tilted my head back up so that i was looking at him, " well then. i guess i am your first of that as well." 

"really?" i asked my eyes lighting up. 

"yup. and hopefully your last."  he smiled and got up, slipped his shirt on over his head. "ill see you downstairs, okay, babe?" he kissed me again quickly and walked out the door.

holy motherfathering shit!!! what the hell just happened. i must be dreaming!! i took my hand and slapped myself accross the face just gently enough or a small wake up call. nope. definitely not dreaming. i have a boyfriend. a real boyfriend! and he is Harry Styles. i jumped up with joy and headed into my bathroom for a shower.   


i arrived downstairs. i stood next to the chair that Harry was sitting in. i smiled at all the boys and Harry gestered for me to sit on his lap, "oh no. i dont want to break you." i said with a chuckle. his face fell serious. 

"thats rediculous. now shut up and sit your ass down on my lap." i did as he said. i sat down gently and wrapped my right arm around his neck leaning slightly on him and the armrest of the chair, facing the other boys. "so i told them about us. sorry if you wanted to do it together. i just couldnt wait." 

"nope. thats perfectly fine with me," i said stroking his curls. he kissed my cheek lightly and i bushed of course. Damnit Cass! you have to stop doing that! 

"i was curious," Zayn started," what happened to your brother?" 

"he sometimes picks up extra shifts at work so he sleeps in teh car in the parkinglot. i dont really see him that much, but i prefer it that way."  

"what about your parents?" Louis asked. 

i looked down into my lap and twiddled me thumbs. Harry's left arm rubbed mine,"go on. tell them. you trusted me. you can trust them too." he said. and so i confessed. 

"and as far as school goes, i began homeschooling when i was in the seventh grade. i still had contact with Janie, but as far as anyone else, i seemed to have lost them too. ive been content with Smokey. i can tell him anything. and James, well he was an ass his entire life." i paused. "thats why you saw Harry sleeping in the bes with me Louis. he came in cos he heard me skyping with Janie and well i told him everything. it was just nice to feel the comfort of a human being again." 

"well you have all of us now" Liam said. 'you can trust us with anything." 

and i felt like i could. i think for the first time in a while i have finally found happiness. i just dread the day when the boys have to leave. 


(A/n) sorryyy! i feel like this chapter was a little cheesey and shit, but they finally kissed! 


and guess what? im five foot... sexy!! haha jk 

lots of love!! 


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