Chapter 15: Doubted Love

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Harry POV 

I sat on Cass' bed as i heard the shower shut off. i couldnt stop thinking about that kiss. it was the most heated kiss that we have had. after being away from her for so long, all i wanted to do was hold her and kiss her. i wanted to do a little more than that, to be honest, but i know that she is not ready for that quite yet. i was willing to wait for her though. maybe in a heated moment , like the one we just had, i will send her small signals and if she doesnt stop me, then i will see that as my green light to go all the way. i loved Cassandra and i wanted to prove it to her. i knew that wanting to prove it to her this way wasnt just sexual frustration. i had overcome that a long time ago. i know exactly how i feel about her and i know that she feels the same way about me. 

i was quickly brought out of thoughts when i heard Cass shout from the bathroom, "shit!" 

i jumped up quickly and ran to the door, "babe, are you alright?" 

"yeah... its just that, i forgot to bring my clothes in here... and the only towel i have is now on my head..." 

i sighed in relief that she wasnt hurt, "Just get dressed out here," i told her smiling. 

"wipe that smirk off of your face," she said jokingly. she knew me so well! "i dont want to... youre going to stare," 

"i wont. i swear." 

"no i know you will and i dont want you looking at my fat ass body..." 

"whoa whoa, lets take two steps back. first, watch the language and second, you are not fat," i told her seriously, "you are beautiful. everything about you is beautiful. besides, its not like i havent seen you half naked before." i smirked. 

"that was one time Harry. and it was on accident..." 

"so? i still saw you. just come out Cassandra." i heard her groan and she cautiously opened the door. there she stood in  her pink polka dot matching bra and panties. her panties had light pink lace over the top as well as her bra. her wet hair was pulled up into a towel and she smelled delightful, "see, youre beautiful."i told her placing my hands on her hips and hers on my chest. i played with the lace on her panties, slowly slipping my thumb underneath, teasing her. i wanted to see what her reaction would be and as i suspected, she moved her hands on top of mine and gave me a death glare. i couldnt help it. i through my head back and laughed. when i was looking at her again i said, "im just teasing, Sweetheart." i moved my hands up to her waist. 

she slapped my chest gently and said, "bad Harry," with a smile. she walked away over to her closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a blue shirt that said 'love'. 

i wandered over to her desk by her window seat as she took her hair out of the towel. i looked over the top of her desk and founf a book with writing in it. her journal? i guessed to myself. on the page that was open, there was a poem: 

the love that i feel for him 

is nothing but real;

the feeling i get whenever i 

hear his voice, 

is enough to send my heart fluttering 

but when im away from him

all i feel is an empty hole; 

an unbearable lonliness that 

keeps me longing 

for his pasionate kiss. 

i couldnt believe how well written it was. i loved it and i loved it even more because i knew it was about me. i looked through a couple of the pages and stopped on one that was dated from yesterday. it looked like her thoughts were written out on it. i couldnt help but read the first few sentences: 

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