An Unexpected Guest

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Chapter 1: the doorbell rings 

Cass' POV: 

The dorrbell rang as i finished cleaning the small bookshelf that we kept in the hallway. "James!" i shouted at my older brother, "Can you get that? it should be the pizza. the moneys on the counter." 

all i heard was gunshots and bombs coming from the living room. "James," i called one more time. 

"a little busy here, Cassandra. my men will die if i don't beat this level." 

"oh whatever, asshole." i grabbed the money off the counter and opened the door and to my surprise, i found five boys standing on my doorstep. it was none other than the boys of the famous boy band One Direction. i tried hard not to fangirl. i gulped a little loudly and said, "you aren't pizza." my cheeks flushed a little bit. 

shit i hope thats not noticeable. 

"Afraid we aren't, love." Liam said. 

"You have pizza coming?" Niall asked. Zayn elbowed him in the stomach. i laughed. almost histarically. 

fuck! they are staring at you now! good going Cass. they probably think you are a freak. 

"can i help you?" was all i managed to get out after my little fangirl freak out 

"our bus broke down. quite traumatically, to be honest." Harry said. i looked into his jade green eyes as i heard him speak with his gravelly, yet smooth and sexy voice. my heart began to race uncontrolably. 

holy shit Cass! do not hyperventalate! 

"our driver says he has no idea whats wrong with it," Louis explained. "all he knows is that he cannot fix it and even with a mechanic it wont be fixed anytime soon." 

"do you want me to call a tow? cos i can do that if you like," i asked. 

"that would be fantastic," Liam said. 

i brought the five boys inside and they all followed me to the kitchen where i keep the phone numbers. why i had a mechanics number, i dont know, but i had it.  

"is that pizza?" James hollered from the other room. 

"yes, James. because i would so bring five men that delivered the pizza into the house." 

"so no pizza yet?" 

"god damnit, no James! the pizzas not here!" 

"whos that," Harry asked curiously. 

"my brother," i uttered irritably. 

Zayn was on the phone with someone. i called from mine. "alrgiht. yes. thank you." i turned to the boys "i got you a tow, but there is a small problem. considering you have a tour bus, the local gas station doesnt have a tow big enough to haul it out of here so they have to call for one out of town. it will be here in the morning. " 

"we have another problem," Zayn announced. "our manager said that something went wrong at the stadium, and he cant get in contact with the owner from any of the other stadiums in the cities we are playing next. he says we will have to cancel the shows for the next three weeks, expecially now because of the bus." 

"so what do we do now," Niall asked. "if we cant get to our hotels-" 

"we have no hotels for the next five cities. we were sleeping in the bus," Harry announced. i couldnt help myself but be entranced in his beauty. 

thoughts ran through my mind and before i knew what i was doing i said, "you guys can stay here, if you like." 

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