Chapter 30: The Proposal

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Cass POV 

i was woken up by Harry's movement in the bed. i rolled over a little, being careful not to lay on my stomach. i noticed that the sun had come up and was shining through the window. i glanced over at Harry, who was only in his boxers. i took in the sight of his beautiful, tattooed body. i was looking, well more like drooling, for about a minute when i was caught. "you like what you see?" he asked smirking. 

"Hmmm," was all i could manage, considering how tired i was. i smiled at him weakly and pulled the blankets over my head. 

"c'mon, Sweetheart. i have a few surprises for you today." 

i groaned, but got out of bed. i showered and let the warm water wake me up. i got out and dressed myself in a pair of my favorite Levi's and a white shirt with a deep 'V' shape in the collar. it had blue, pink, and green on it; splattered so that it looked like paint. i found my small denim vest hanging in the closet. i took it out and put it on then slipped on a pair of white Vans. i french braided my hair to the side and decided not to put any make up on, knowing that Harry liked it when i didnt. 

i found my way downstairs, but stopped when i came in contact with two door ways. i stopped and analyzed the entryways, trying to figure out which one to go through. it didnt take long before Harry walked through the door on my right, "what are you doing?" he chuckled as he saw me. 

"trying not to get lost." i answered. 

"well that door," he pointed to the one he came through, "leads to the kitchen and television room. and that door, "he pointed to the other one, "leads to a dark abyss." he paused. "also known as the garage." he chuckled and i laughed looking at him like he was crazy. "what? that place is pretty scary when its dark." 

"i bet," i said as i played with the ring on my finger. Harry kissed me softly, then took my hand and lead me to the kitchen. he had made breakfast for us. "so what are these 'surprises' you speak of?" i aske dhim. 

"well, they wouldnt be a surprise if i told you, now would they?" he said putting a plate in front of me. he looked at me with lustfull eyes. i blushed a little and he kissed me before he ate his food. 

when we were done, Harry cleaned the dishes and i pulled out my phone to call my brother. the phone rang a few times and James answered "hello?" 

"hey its Cassandra." 

"ohh... hey." he didnt sound excited at all. i thought he would at least be happy to hear from me. it was still January when he left. it was a week away from June, i was pregnant and thought he'd like to know that he was goimg tp be an uncle. 

"i...ummm. i am in London. i moved her with Harry. its kind of a long story, but i thought that we could get lunch and catch up. i have a lot to tell you..." 

"you know, i would, but i dont really have freetime. exams are on their way nad i really need to study before the semester ends." 

"oh. well okay." i said disappointed. 

"listen, i will call you tomorrow and you can tell me over the phone." 

"alright," and with that i hung up the phone and set it on the table. 

i stared in front of me and snapped out of my daze when i heard a husky voice, "are you alright?" 

"what? oh, yeah. im fine." i lied. 

"no youre not. whats wrong?" he asked standing, actually towering, over me as i sat in the chair. 

"its James. hes just being... James. its really not that big of a deal." 

he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "c'mon, Sweetheart. its time for that surprise." he said and lead me outside to a large yard and then to a... barn? 

i saw a man, a woman, and a young lady, probably a few yeras older than me, standing in front of what was, in fact, a barn. "Cassandra, i'd like you to meet my family. this is my mum, Anne, my step father, Robin, and my sister, Gemma." 

"hi," was all i could croak out at the moment. i knew that i was going to meet his family one day, and to be honest, i was a little nervous, but completely honored. i wanted to make a very good impression. 

i put my hand out for his mum to shake and she said, "come here. i've heard so much about you." then engulfed me in a hug. "Harry never shuts up about you." she added. 

i looked over to Harry who was blushing a little bit. then had asked Robin and Gemma to bring something out from the barn, well, more like two somethings. 

walking out were two yearlings that i quickly recognized as Thoroughbreds. "I just couldn't see you living your life with me without having a horse. they are brother and sister." Harry said. 

"they- they're for me?" i asked with bright eyes. 

Harry looked at the ground, blushing and smiling. when he looked up he said, "yes" 

i looked at the yearlings. the filly was pitch black and had a single white star on her forehead, while the colt was a chestnut color with socks on all four legs and a blaze on his face. "Harry! they are beautiful! thank you so much!" 

"theres more," he stated. he stood close enough to me that we were almost touching, "i am absolutely, positively, without a doubt in love with you. and every day my feelings for you do nothing but grow bigger." he said and pulled out a small box from his pocket. he got down on one knee and handed the ropes that held the yearlings to me. he opened the box to reveal a ring with a beautiful, yet slightly bigger diamond on it that the promise ring i wore had. "Cassandra Marie Nelson, would you do me the honor of being my wife?" 

tears of joy and happiness filled my eyes as i said, "yes! absolutely yes!" Harry smiled the biggest smile i had ever seen him smile before in his life. his lips were soon planted on mine in a deeply passionate kiss that sent a wave of heat through my body. 

i loved this boy until death do us part; until the end of the earth; to the moon and back... well, you get it. 

i was so happy that i was engaged to him and that i was carrying his child.i couldnt control my emotions, but maybe that was just my hormones acting up from being pregnant. 

today was the best day of my life so far. and not only did he propose to me, he did it by giving me, not one, but two horses. i sort of wondered how he knew that that was how i wanted to be proposed to, and at first i thought Janie had told him, but then i realized that i never even told her. 

i just pushed the thougth away; too happy to care.


a/n: sorry it took so long to update!.

good news thoug! i have finished this fanfiction and alll that is left is to keep updating. and i have ideas for a sequel.

so vote and comment and let me know what you think. 

lots of love! 


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