Chapter 22: A Heated Make Up

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Cass POV 

it has been three awkward days since Harry and i broke up. at least, i think we broke up. we have arrived at the next city and i had spent the first night with Liam in his room. 

we were coming back from the stadium and i had to ride in the elevator with... Harry. Thankfully Zayn was with us so it wasnt as awkward. but then he stepped out at last minute leaving me alone with Harry.  thanks a lot Zayn! 

i hadnt talked to Harry in those three days. actually, i hadnt talked to anyone. not even Janie. 

two minutes had passed and the elevator stopped and the lights went dim. i was sittin on the floor with my knees to my chest. it took me a second to realize that Harry had hit the emergency button. 

Harry stood in front of me, towering over me. 

"that buttons only for emergencies," i mummbled to myself but clearly loud enough for Harry to hear. 

"this is an emergency," he said and knelt down to face me. "look, i know that i am te last person you want to talk to right now, but i... im sorry, Cassandra." 

i looked down and his hand came up to cup my chin. i cringed away revealing my left cheek. 

"oh my god... Baby, did... did i do that to you?" he asked as he saw the faint bruise and swelling on my face. i didnt say anything. instead i  tried to scoot as far up against the wall as i could, but as it always is with Harry, i found myself trapped. he tried to brush the hair away from my face, but i cringed away again. "are you afraid of me?" he asked, clearly hurt. 

"please dont hurt me," i whispered as a tear escaped my eye. 

"princess, im not going to hurt you. i realize what i didd. i never should have hit you or yelled at you. i never even checked to make sure that you were okay before unleashing my anger out on you. i got angry that you had left and then scared that something had happend to you when you didnt come back. and i got jealous that you called Liam and not me. 

"i understand why you called him now, though. i regret everything i did and i am so so sorry. please forgive me." he begged. 

i looked up into his green eyes as they filled with tears. he was desperate and so was i. i nodded my head and he genttly pulled me into his lap. "im sorry too, Harry. i never should have gotten drunk..." 

"its okay, Sweetheart. you were only having fun. i understand that now and i never should have left you alone in the condition you were in." he said as i nuzzled my face into his shoulder. "please dont ever be afraid of me. you know that i would never hurt you intentionally.  i lost control of myself and didnt know what i was doing. i promise that i will never hurt you again." 

i nodded my head, "i love you, Harry. i died a little bit inside over those three days. i was miserable without you." 

"i was miserable without you too. i was so lost and no matter how much i tried to hide, the boys knew. i love you so much, Cassandra. forever and always." his lips found mine and he kissed me passionately. 

after bout ten minutes, Harry stood up and hit the button that got the elevator moving again. he then pinned me up against the wall and looked at me with lustful eyes. he crashed his lips to mine, "are you ready?" he asked against my lips. 

i knew exactly what he meant, "yes, but im not really sure what im supposed to do..." i told him honestly. he and i were alone. he told me that the other boys and Janie were out doing something and i figured that getting me alone with Harry was somehow intentional. 

"you dont worry about that, Sweetheart. just know that i get... aggressive." he said seductively. 

he kissed me again and when the elevator opened, we made our to Harry's room. as soon as we were in and the doors were shut, he through me on the bed. 

he kissed me roughly and soon our clothes were off, leaving me in my bra and panties and he in his boxers. Harry's lips found my neck and he sucked on it. hard. then his hands found the back of my bra and unhooked it. he took it off of me and threw it across the room. his lips trailed form my neck to my collar bone and then to my breast. he sucked on my nipple lightly while his right hand roughly caressed the other. i let out a breathy moan of pleasure and i felt Harry smile. 

Harry hovered over me, a good view of all his tattoos that i had concluded were too many to count. he kissed my lips again and planted gentle kisses on my body as he made his way down to my panties. his enormous hands slipped them off, revealing my wet entrance. he ran a finger over my clit and out another quiet moan. "youre soaking wet, babe." he said. he slowly stuck a finger inside my entrance, then two, and so on until all four of his fingers were inside. he slowly began to move his fingers. this hurt a little, but only because i was a virgin. not after tonight. 

he moved his fingers faster, "oh Harry! that feels so good!" i moaned with pleasure. 

"you like it, huh?" he asked seuctuvely. 

"Harry, im gonna-," i was cut off by his fingers pumping faster. finally, i reached my limit and all my fluid leaked out onto his fingers.

Harry stood up on his knees and pulled downd his boxers, revealing his swollen member, the tip glistening with moisture. he hovered over me again, gently rubbing the head of his member over my dripping folds. he bent down and asked, "are you ready, Sweetheart?" i bit my lip nervously and nodded my head. "dont be afraid to scream." he said smirking before slowly thrusting into me. my eyes filled with tears as the feelings of pain and pleasure collided. "are you okay?" he asked, making sure that i was comfortable. i nodded, urging him to continue and wanting to get the worst part over with. his thrust slowly increased in speed. "fuck, Cass! youre so tight!" he exclaimed. 

he began to thrust harder as i let out moans of pleasure. "jesus christ, Harry! youre so big!" he thrusted deeper causing me to moan louder, he groaned as he increased his speed. my moans turned into soft pants as i tried to keep up my breathing with my heart rate. "oh fuck Harry! that feels so good!" 

he lifted my left leg over his shoulder, thrusting in deeper than before. i let out a loud scream pleasure as he hit a spot inside me that caused a pleasureable burning sensation. his thrusts were steady and he hit my g-spot frequently, whiched caused me to scream out his name, "holy fuck, Harry!!" just when i thought that he couldnt thrust into me any harder, he did, causing me to scream almost at the top of my lungs. "Harry, im close." 

"me too." he said and increased his speed. with that, we both reached out limit and i was soon filled with his warm liquid as his large member twitched inside of me. he pulled out and collapsed on top me. we were both panting, trying to catch our breath. 

"that was amazing," i whispered, unaware that Harry had heard me. 

"yes it was. you are so beautiful, Cass." 

i smiled at him as i looked into his gorgeous green eyes. "i love you, Harry." 

"i love you too." he said and then wrapped me in his warm embrace. together we fells asleep, both of us tired after a magical night.  



there it is! the graphic chapter! haha 

i will be on vacation in a few days so i wont be able to update, but i will be writing. i will update the chapters when i get back. 

lots of love! 


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