Chapter 20: Fighting

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Liam POV 

"we need picked up... i'll explain later." i heard Cassandra's voice say on the other end of the call. 

"alright. where are you? are you okay?" 

"yeah we are fine, just a little confused." she said and then gave me the address. i got up off of the couch lazily. 

i had stayed with Harry to keep him calm when we arrived back to find that Cass and Janie wernt here. i eventually just fell asleep on the couch. Niall had already went off to bed with hopes that Janie would be back in the morning. Harry on the other hand, had not shut his eyes once since we got back. 

Harry walked out of the bathroom as i slipped my shirt on over my head, "where are you going?" he asked me curiously. 

i know Cass said not to tell him anything, but i had to in a way. he needed to know that she was safe. "im going to pick up Cassandra and Janie." 

"what? are you serious?" i nodded my had at him, "im coming with you." 

"no, Harry i think it be best if you stayed here." i told him. he agreed. i only did this because i knew that he is furious with Cass for leaving with no trace of where she went. 

i got into the car and followed the directions on the GPS. 


"so you just woke up? clothes still on and everything?" 

"yes. we dont feel funny," Cass was explaining. "i mean we are definitly hungover, but we dont feel like we were drugged. and if we were drugged, we probably would have woken up naked... but then again, i just assume that." 

"i see, so what was the point of the man tricking you into taking you home with him?" i asked the girls. 

"thats what we were trying to figure out." 

"well im glad you girls are safe." 

"thanks Liam. im glad that its over with." 

"well, not necessarily. you still have to deal with Harry and Niall. Janie has it a little easier because Niall is more understanding. Cass, Harry is very protective and gets jealous easily. so be prepared, love." 

"oh well shit." she said and then rested her head on the head rest. 


Cass POV 

i walk in through the door and head to the bedroom. my head was pounding from my hangover and all i wanted to do was sleep. 

Harry stood up as soon as he saw me, "what the hell, Cassandra! where the hell were you? you had me worried sick!" 

"Harry, please dont yell..." 

"im going to yell! what happened?! where were you?!" 

"please, stop yelling, i will explain everything as best i can. there was this guy-" 

"what guy?" he asked demandingly. 

"well appaerntly he was a stranger, but Janie had dragged him over and told me that he was your's and Niall's friend and that he was going to take us home..." 

"and you went with him? Cassandra, i didnt know anybody in that club besides who we came with!" 

"well im sorry that i was drunk. and you left me standing there byself!" 

"dont you dare blame me for your foolish, careless actions!" 

"im not fucking blaming you! all im saying is that if you hadnt of left me, we wouldnt be in this situation right now!" 

"do you realize he could have raped you? or worse, killed you! you wernt thinking Cassandra!" 

"again, i was drunk! and he didnt fucking touch me! i woke up with my clothes still on! just drop it! it was a mistake! im here and im safe so just fucking drop it!" 

he took a step closer to me. he was close enough for me to feel his breath. his voice grew dangerously low and his eyes grew dark, "watch your language." 

"i dont give a rats ass about my fucking language at the moment!" i screamed into his face. next thing i knew, his right hand was in the air and then there was a stinging on my left cheek. he hit me! he fucking hit me! "im sorry that i got drunk!" my eyes filled with tears. "im sorry that i made a mistake! and if you cant accept that than maybe we shouldnt be together!" i said this in hopes that he would stop me and take me into his arms. he didnt. 

"fine!" he shouted, completely unaware that he had just slapped my face. 

"FINE!" i grabbed my blanket and Frank and stormed out. 

"wait, Cassandra! i didnt mea-" i cut him off by slamming the door behind me. he didnt run after me and that hurt more than the hangover i had. i walked out into the hallway to Liam... who was waiting for me? okay? 

"i heard screaming," he said. "i stayed to see of something was going to happen. holy... Cassandra, your face. did he hit you?" 

i nodded my head and a tear escaped from my eye. Liam warpped me in his muscular embrace. 

"ive got ice in my room. c'mon." he gestered for me to follow him. "you guys will work this out. it will just take some time." 

"im not so sure about that. i think we may have broken up." and with that i said the words i never thought id say.  



oh no! haha yeah. drama. be prepared because in the next couple of chapters, its going to get very graphic. 

and dont judge me. i dont have a dirty mind, i just have a sexy imagination. :) 

lots of love!!! 


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