Holy Day

12 3 0

The day I had

Waited for this entire trip

To arrive

Finally came

Trip to the Kotel

In Jerusalem

The holiest site for

The Jewish people

On planet earth

It was my turn

My holy day

This trip was to

Continue the process

Of recovery


As well as


But a huge part

Of that was


Considering what happened

Last August 1st

As I stood there

I cried giant tears

I thanked Hashem

For getting me there

For saving my life

The divine power

Shined down on me

From up above

I was able to

Let go of a lot

Of pain that needed

To be released

I felt lighter than a feather

People don't understand

That the process of

Recovery is long and arduous

It doesn't happen overnight

My holy day

Brought me strength

Took away the pain

Left a ball of light inside

This journey is almost complete

As I sit here writing

With a knowing smile

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