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I miss the old days

Before social media

Consumed our every move

When people would stop calling

And that meant that the

Friendship was over


Things like Facebook

Is the only way to make

Sure a person gets the message

That they're done

Today was one of those days

When I decided that in my life

Quality was way more important

Then quantity

Now more than ever before

So I did it


30 some odd people

From Facebook

Not because I'm trying to be mean

But because I realized that

Out of sight

Out of mind

Is key in recovery

When people are so consumed

With their own lives

That no matter what you do

Or say

You're like grey matter

In space

It is time to say goodbye

People come into your life

For a reason

For a season

For a lifetime

Maybe I expect more from others

Because I know how I behave myself

No matter how tough or bad

I have it in my own existence

I'm there


Giving suggestions

Even giving those

Ever present cyber hugs

Love abound

So it is truly

Hard for me to comprehend

Why others can't do the same

So that is why I let them go

Unfriended them for their own good

Some I didn't want around

For I felt intense bitterness

Though I had forgiven them

For their misdeeds

I am not perfect

By any means

I just need those

People with me

Who have proven themselves

Just like I had to them

Be my real friends

Otherwise please

For your sake and mine

Don't waste our time

Rebirth (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now