Enduring Friendship

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***Dedicated to Kristen Longfield, who will always be just Krissy to me.***

We were just kids
When we met
4th grade
I switched schools
My parents moved

She was blonde
Very American
A girl
So different from

I didn't know
Then that our
Enduring friendship
Would last through
Much and many

Different middle schools
Same high school
Different colleges
And then she moved
To the west coast

To follow her dreams
Grow as a writer
Business woman
Then wife
And mother

And she did all so well
Without losing her reality
She still had all of her muchness
And I am so proud

The closest I ever felt to her
Was being there when she found
Her wedding dress
The girl who didn't want
Bling or lace

Was blinged and laced
All over and was stunning
Brought tears to my eyes
As I found her veil

Since the 4th grade
We've been close
Not seeing each other
For 3 years

Then reuniting
And talking like we hadn't
Spoken or seen
Each other in a week

Enduring Friendship
A real one
Goes through
A kaleidoscope of changes

And still there's a bond
That started many years ago
We're weird and proud of it
Our intelligence may not be
What others understand

But it's what makes us
Supporting each other
Through good and bad

Encouraging to step
Out of that comfort zone
Make a change
It's ok
You'll do it
I have faith

That's how we continue
Our enduring friendship
Came from common things
Grew from there
Into respect and love

I'm blessed to have her in my life.

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