Chapter 5

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_Zane's P.O.V._
I woke up really groggy. I didn't feel super sick anymore though, so that was a plus. For some reason, the wool blanket my mother gave me was wrapped around me like I had been tucked in. I pushed myself into a sitting position on the couch. I noticed a bag on the coffee table. "How did that get here?" I picked up the bag and opened it up. Inside were pink frosted cupcakes and a note that read. "Zane,
I know you're not feeling well so I made you some cupcakes. I've got to get to work and clean up the house after the sleepover so I'll be sending Travis. ~Aph"
I heard a knock at the door and realized that's what had awoken me. I pushed the blanket into the floor and checked to make sure I was dressed enough to check the door. I still had on my pajamas from the party, but it was good enough. I got up and went to the door. I didn't bother to look out the peephole since it was probably just Aphmau. I swung the door open and was greeted with the white hair and green eyes that belonged only to one person. He had his usual green jacket on and jeans. "Hey Zane. I was coming to check on you since nobody has heard from you today."
I was surprised that he was here. Aphmau most likely told him to come make friends with me, but he oddly didn't have the same bored look Lucinda had when she was sent here. "Thanks? I guess you can come inside if you want. No point in you aimlessly standing at my doorstep." I stepped back and opened the door to welcome him in.
He walked in my house and made his way to the living room. I shut the door and sat on the other side of the couch. "What happened earlier while I was asleep?" I asked curious to know how I got a blanket and cupcakes while I was out.
"Zane you may want to check your phone's calendar. The sleepover was yesterday. You were out all day today. It's 6:30 pm."
I quickly pulled out my phone to check. He wasn't lying it was indeed 6:37 in the afternoon.
"Then why do I still feel so tired?" I yawned the last part out.
"I don't know. I'm no doctor, but your probably just drowsy from being a little sick. If that makes any sense."
"Well, while your here do you want to do something? I have Netflix. We could watch some anime or something." He nodded so I turned off the lights in the room, closed the curtains, and turned Netflix on. I handed him the remote and he put on some show I had never heard of.

We were several episodes in when I started to feel myself nod off. I tried to keep myself awake but I slowly sank into slumber.

_Travis's P.O.V._
I heard Zane slide down as he fell asleep. His head landed in my lap. I looked at him. His black hair was kind of messy but in a good way. I had known he was still a little bit sick from the moment he opened the door. He had been more pale than usual and his nose was a little bit pink. I didn't want to wake him up so I just let him lay there. Honestly, it was like when a kitten falls asleep on your lap. I wouldn't have wanted to move if he was awake or not. After a while I felt exhaustion take me over and I drifted off to sleep, Zane still laying on me.

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