Chapter 12

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_Travis's P.O.V._
I woke up from a beam of light shining through the blinds on Zane's window. He was still asleep so I made sure to be quiet as I got out of bed. He looked very cute as he slept and that made me smile. I closed his door quietly on the way out. I went downstairs and turned on the tv. There wasn't really anything interesting on. All the channel surfing did give me an idea on what do do today. I went upstairs and dug through my clothes filled bag. I found my swimming trunks near the bottom of the bag. I checked the time. It was around 11, so I knew the pool would be open.
After I got changed and made some phone calls, I went back up to Zane's room. He was still out cold, so I tried lightly shaking him. He groaned.
"Zane get up. It's eleven! It's too late to be asleep!"
He groaned again and mumbled. "It's too early to wake up." He pulled a pillow over his head.
"I suppose if you don't get up I'll have to call Garroth..."
Zane opened his one good eye and looked at me. "You wouldn't dare. Besides, if anyone knows blackmail it's me. If you call Garroth I won't let you stay in my room." He grinned his evil grin. "And I'll find a way to get Kawaii~Chan to stalk you. It would be bad if she thought one side of her OTP ship wasn't doing well."
Irene knows what Kawaii~Chan would do to me. Cat girl or not, she can be pretty creepy.
"Then I'll just have to get you ready by myself."
I left his bedside and dug through his dresser. I found a pair of black swim trunks and went back to him. I could tell that he was trying to pretend that he went back to sleep. He wasn't very good at pretending.
I pulled his shirt off without incident. I grabbed the hem of his sweat pants and was about to undress him when he finally stopped faking and stopped me. "Alright, alright! I'll get up and get dressed, but why in swim trunks?"
"Because we are going to the pool! How obvious could it be?" I smiled at my drowsy boyfriend. "I know you lied about not being able to swim. I called Aph and asked her about it before waking you up."
He grumbled something under his breath as he got up and pushed me out of the room for him to get changed.


When we got to the pool, it was surprisingly empty. There weren't many other people there. I set out towels down at two chairs and we got in the water. It felt great to me. Zane however, didn't seem to think so.
"Why is to so cold!"
"Try swimming in the fall. It's a lot colder than this, babe."
He crossed his arms and blushed. I took this opportunity to dunk him underwater.
"Oh now you've done it!" He yelled as he splashed me.
We splashed each other back and forth. We were having fun with it until I splashed him in the eyes. He stopped splashing and covered his face. He was rubbing his eye.
"Are you ok, Zane? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I said as I quickly swam over to help him. I looked at his face in concern. He said something that I didn't quite hear.
I leant in. "What did you say?"
He quickly put his hands on the back of my head and pushed my face under. I came back up and rubbed the water out of my eyes.
"I said that you don't have to be sorry." He was laughing and by this point I was too.

We stayed at the pool for a large portion of the day.

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