Chapter 7

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_Zane's P.O.V._
I didn't see Travis the rest of yesterday after he and Garroth left. When I woke up this morning he had sent me a text that he would be here at 6 PM. It was currently 7 and I had no idea where he was. I hadn't done much today other than clean my house. I was about to call him when I heard a knock on the front door. I opened the door to find Travis there, soaking wet from rain. I guess I was so nervous I didn't notice the rain.
I let him in the house and he took off his green jacket and hung it on the coat rack.
"Sorry I'm late. I was trying to wait for the rain to slow down but it never did. I nodded my head and pretended that I had seen the pouring rain.
"Well, I'm glad you made it over here safely." I had my mask on but not my striped jacket.
We went in and sat on the couch.
"So... you want to talk about the night before yesterday?" I asked nervously. I had never really had a conversation about something like this.
"Sure, what about it?"
"Well uh, we kinda... cuddled. All night."
He gave me that flirty grin that I secretly loved. "What? Didn't you enjoy it? I did."
Since I had my mask on I could act like I wasn't blushing the color of a fire hydrant. "Uh I guess I enjoyed it?" "Why didn't I just say yes? I'm such an idiot!" He actually looked a little disappointed. We went quiet for a moment before he spoke up.
"I feel like this conversation isn't going anywhere."
He quickly pulled my mask off, grabbed the collar of my shirt, and kissed me. I was shocked, but I didn't complain. I went with it.
He let go of me after a few seconds that felt like minutes. His face was bright pink and if I had to guess mine was too.
"I feel like sums up my thoughts in the conversation." He said, clearly nervous for my reply.
"I couldn't have said it better myself. But does this mean we are a "thing" now?" I found myself asking.
"Of course" He looked relieved.
He leaned in to kiss me again. I had never felt this way about anyone in my life. I melted into his kiss. My arms were around his shoulders and I felt his hands go under my shirt. He rested them on my back.
Eventually we had to pull apart for air. He took his hands out from under my shirt and looked into my eye.
"I've loved you for a while." He admitted. "I loved talking to you and just seeing you made me happy."
"I don't think I realized it until recently that I had a huge crush on you, Travis. I thought you still liked Katelyn."
He shook his head at that. "I had given up on her nearly a month ago. I just acted since I was confused."
_Travis's P.O.V._
It felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I guess I had known this about myself for a while, but I just hadn't truly accepted it. Maybe he wasn't as good at hiding his emotions or maybe I'm just good at reading people, but I saw more joy on his face right now than I had ever seen on his face all of the other days combined.
I couldn't help myself, but I pushed him so he was laying on the couch on his back. I kissed him again and again. I lost count. At some point I lost my shirt. It was truly the best night of my life.

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