Chapter 8

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_Zane's P.O.V._
I woke up in Travis's arms. He was still asleep. He didn't have a shirt on and I quickly realized I didn't either. I don't even remember us losing our shirts. I successfully untangled myself from him without waking him up. I found my shirt partially under the couch and put it on. I was a little bit sore from last night, but I wanted to surprise Travis with breakfast.
I've gotten pretty good at cooking from living alone for so long.
I was about to wake him up when I heard a groan from the couch as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me. I brought his food over to him and I started to eat mine as well.
"How are we gonna tell the others? Especially your brothers." He asked between bites.
"I have no idea. Vylad will probably be cool with it, but Garroth..."
We finished our meal in silence, thinking about it. I took up the plates and silverware and put them in the sink.
"We should probably get cleaned up. You can use the guest shower upstairs. It's right next to the guest bedroom."
He nodded and headed upstairs. I walked upstairs after him and went into my bathroom. I was washing my face when I noticed a bruise starting to form on my collar bone. "Crap. It's a good thing I have a few turtleneck shirts."
I got myself cleaned up changed into clothes that hid the bruise. I heard Travis get out of the shower and go downstairs. I went down to see him in only his pants, looking for something. His towel was around his shoulders and his hair was still dripping wet.
"Zane, I can't find my shirt."

_Travis's P.O.V._
Zane was about to help me look for my missing shirt when his front door unlocked and opened. We froze. Garroth took one look inside and saw me. He looked incredibly angry. He took a step towards us and Vylad, who was standing behind him, grabbed his wrist.
"Garroth calm down." Vylad let go of him and shut the door.
"Garroth, I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation if you would just give them a minute.
Zane walked forward to speak when Garroth cut him off. "I know very well what's happened. Travis's shirt is in the potted plant  in the corner, Zane is walking funny, and..." Garroth walked forward and pulled down the collar of Zane's shirt to reveal a small bruise. "Zane couldn't have made it more obvious that they were involved!"
"Garroth it's none of our business." Vylad said, keeping his calm.
"Travis has flirted with every girl on the street and more! How are you okay with this!?"
I tried to speak up. "If it helps, I don't like any of the girls."
Garroth glared. Clearly it didn't help. Vylad whispered something into Garroth's ear. His expression softened.
"I-I guess Vylad is right. It just bothers me that one of my baby brothers has gotten a boyfriend without telling me or even telling our parents that he likes guys."
"I'll invite our parents to dinner here at my place next week if it will make you calm down." Said Zane, looking relived that Garroth wasn't going to murder me.
Vylad was smiling now that he had resolved the conflict before it turned bad.
"I guess I'll have to tell our friends about this as well then." I sighed.
Zane nodded and asked. "Are we done here now? Family bonding over? I need a nap."
I retrieved my shirt and jacket. Garroth hugged Zane, against his will of course, and we left.
Vylad left in the direction of his home and Garroth and I started walking to our house. We got to the driveway when Garroth stopped me and said. "I'll be okay with this as long as it makes Zane happy, but if you hurt him I will not hesitate to break you."
He walked into the house as if that was a perfectly rational thing to say. I had no choice but to go inside.

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