Chapter 18

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_Zane's P.O.V._
I woke up, still in Travis's arms. I didn't want to get up. I snuggled closer to him, but I accidentally woke him up.
He hugged me and spoke sleepily. "Good morning handsome."
"Does it have to be morning? I just want to stay here forever with you." I rolled over to face him. He kissed me and I felt myself blush.
"Well I can do a lot of things to make you happy, but I can't prevent daylight. How about instead of making it nighttime, we go out and do something fun to make up for it?" He suggested.
"Oh, alright."
We both got out of bed. I grabbed some fresh clothes out of my dresser and went into the bathroom.
I brushed my hair out of my face and saw that my cheeks were a little red from crying. I washed off my face and changed into the new clothes. When I got out and went downstairs, Travis was leaning against the front door, texting.
He looked up at me coming down the stairs. I got to the bottom and he kissed me.
"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday with Gene. As soon as you left I pu- convinced him to tell me what he did. I shouldn't have made you go to the party."
"Travis, it's okay. I'm just glad I have you instead of someone horrible like him."
He nodded. "Now then, since we slept in it's too late for breakfast. Where do you want me to take you for lunch?"
"Definitely Olive Garden. I'm in the mood for bread sticks."

We headed out to Olive Garden and Travis even invited Vylad. When we got there we were served quickly since there isn't usually a big lunch crowd.
"So how have you been doing, Vylad?" Asked Travis "We haven't seen you in a while since you weren't at the party yesterday."
He shrugged as he got a plate of salad and breadsticks. "I guess I'm still getting used to living in an apartment. I got so comfortable living in parks or just wherever life took me."
Zane chimed in. "I still think you should have called me or Garroth, so you didn't sleep outdoors."
He shrugged and continued eating his salad.

_Travis's P.O.V._

After a while of eating our meals in silence, Vylad asked Zane a question.
"How is your good eye?"
Zane finished chewing and answered him. "I can still see out of it and I'm pretty sure that's all that matters."
I realized something. "Hey Zane? Why haven't you ever shown me your face without you hair covering part of it. I know you cover up your bad eye with your hair, but you haven't even shown me."
He looked down at his plate in a way that told me that he was blushing.
"Because there's only an ugly blind eye under there. It seems to bother other people sometimes so I like to keep it hidden."
His words hurt a little bit like he thought that I would stop loving him if I saw his face.
"Can you please show me? I'm not going to magically hate you because you're blind in one eye."
He sighed and hesitantly pulled off his mask and brushed his hair out from in front of his eye. His blind eye was the normal milky white/light blue that could be expected from a blind eye, but it didn't actually take away from his face at all. He even had little freckles that had been previously covered by his hair.
"You're adorable, Zane. You should push your hair back more often." I then kissed him and he blushed.

He stopped blushing and pulled a serious face. He let his hair fall back into place and spoke.
"I won't do this anymore. I don't like having my face uncovered."
Vylad was already done with his food and he spoke up. "You're making progress Zane. You two are great for each other. I gotta run, so here's my part of the bill." He put some money on the table. "See you guys later."
Him leaving reminded us about how long we had been there. We quickly finished up our meals and headed home for the rest of the day.

_Author's Note_
I am really sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. Schools started back and high school's been a bit crazy so I don't know how often I will be able to update the story. Also it would be amazing if you guys could comment some suggestions on what to write in this story/possibly how I can end it. If I do end it I could possibly do a Gaurrence book afterwards. Just let me know what you guys think! Thank you all so much for enjoying my story!

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