Chapter 16

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_Zane's P.O.V._
Everyone had left at around midnight and as far as I'm aware they all had a great time. Garroth and Laurence walked home together with Cadenza not far behind. Katelyn passed out on our couch. We wanted to live, so we tossed a blanket over her and let her stay asleep down there even when we went upstairs to sleep.
It was morning now and I went downstairs in my pajamas. The first thing I saw was Katelyn, passed out on the floor tangled up in the blanket. She must've fallen off the couch in her sleep. There was a note on the coffee table that read. "Went out to get breakfast. Should be back soon. ~T
PS. I called Jeffery to come over and wake Katelyn up since when I tried she punched me in the groin. He is probably the only person who she won't murder for waking her"
"Wonderful" I thought. The guy who gets on my nerves the most. We have a mutual understanding that we despise each other. At least he acts nicely when he insults me.

I had just thrown the note away when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over and opened it, revealing the tall, green-eyed, brunette man.
I sigh. "Hello Jeffery."
He smiles cheerfully. "Hello Zane, how have you been?"
"I've been wonderful."
Without any break in his cheerful smile, he said. "That's a shame. Now then, where's Katelyn?" He welcomed himself into my house and immediately saw Katelyn on the floor.
He crouched down by her and spoke. "Katelyn get up. You're in someone else's house. You can't sleep here."
She mumbled something about her being able to sleep wherever she wants.
He sighed and started to pick her up bridal style. She tried pushing him away but at that point he was already carrying her.
"Zane, open the door." He ordered.
I pulled the door open as wide as it would go and he walked out.
"I'm going to carry her to her house now." He turned around and smiled at me. "Have a horrible day! Tell Travis I said hello."
I shut the door and groaned. Soon Travis will be home and I can have food.

_Travis's P.O.V._
I went out to get doughnuts for both of us and I had just gotten home. I went inside and saw Zane laying on the couch while on his phone. He glanced up to see it was me, then went back to his phone. I set the box down o the kitchen counter.
"Hey Zane I got some doughnuts! Come get some."
As he was getting up, he started to ask something then stopped.
"And yes I got extra sprinkles for you."
He smiled at me, grabbed a pink frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles, and sat down at the table. For someone who wears nothing but black and other dark colors, he likes the color pink an awful lot. I grabbed a chocolate frosted donut and sat down next to him. I looked at him while he was looking at his phone. He seemed thinner than usual.
"Hey Zane, have you been eating much recently? You seem smaller."
He finished his doughnut and set his phone on the table. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't feel any different."
I stood up from the table as he did. Stopping him from walking away, I picked him up bridal style.
"Definitely lighter than usual. What have you had for lunch the past 4 days?"
He was blushing from being picked up. "...I had  cupcakes that Aph made me."
I laughed. "Zane! You can't survive off of only cupcakes! As much as you like them you have to eat something more filling."
"Meh! I like cupcakes! Besides, there's no way for you to make me..." He paused. "Unless someone were to eat lunch with me."
I rolled my eyes and put him back down on the floor. "I should've known you had a plan for me. But I can't say no to you." I kissed him on the forehead.
He looked proud of himself as he grabbed another donut.
"Hate to cut your celebration short, but I ran into Aphmau and Aaron while they were walking her dog. We're going to another sleepover that starts at 5 tonight."
"But we just hosted a party! Why do we have to go."
"Dante's brother Gene's birthday is tomorrow and Aphmau wanted to be nice and invite everyone over. No backing out either, since I already told them we'd be there."
Zane went very still and wouldn't catch my eye after I said "Gene". He spoke up quietly. "I know there's no getting out of the party, but if you can come up with a way to excuse us to leave early I will love you more than I already do."
I wasn't expecting this reaction from Zane, but he was clearly upset about Gene. "Ok Zane, I will try my best."

_Author's Note_
Thank you all so much for 5k! I am so sorry that I left for a while out of nowhere! I am going to update as often as I can from now on and I will hold myself against it. Thanks for all the support even though I don't really deserve it for breaking my schedule a lot.

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