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"Get in the car. Now."


Matthew's parents came outside, dressed up in their usual pastel attire with stern looks on their faces. I've never — In the nine years I've known him — seen his parents with such hurt and spiteful looks on their faces.

"Matthew, it's time to leave. Say goodbye to Alena," Mr.Espinosa announced, while Mrs. Espinosa went inside the car and started it. My heart did a little cracking thing that I've grown used to, and my chest began to ache.

Matthew ignored his father, but I spoke up. "Will you ever come back, Mr. Espinosa?"

His face scrunched up, and his worry wrinkles were evident on his forehead. "I don't know, Alena."

Matthew sighed loudly, for the purpose of his dad hearing, but I knew better than to get my hopes up — especially in this situation.

"I love you, Matthew," I whispered, my hands clinging to his shirt in fists. 

Matthew looked at me, his eyes beginning to water. "I love you too, Alena."

He didn't say it under his breath, or whisper it — He said it out loud, his voice was powerful and completely passionate. I smiled, my heart thumping and veins spurting tiny surges of  electricity through out my body.

I looked over at his father, seeing that he was also in tears. He was never as judgmental as both my mothers, if only they were like him. I looked back to Matthew, leaning up and giving him a final kiss.

I was so engrossed in the passion we had configured that I didn't hear a car pull up next to me, but I finally did realize someone was there when my arm received a harsh tug.

There Estela was, her nails digging into my arm roughly and eyebrows arched with anger. I couldn't breath or talk, I was frozen into time — or that's what it felt like, at least. Her voice was demanding and hoarse when she spoke.

"Get in the car. Now."

I quickly obeyed, my arm receiving four large scratches as I tugged it away from Estela. I whimpered under my breath, but ignored it as I walked away from them and opened the car door, getting in after wards. I looked over to Matthew and his father, seeing them being yelled at by Estela.

Everything was out of my control by then, and at this point I had no care if my mother tried to kill me or not. My heart was dull and cold now, because without Matthew it has no meaning. Feelings are nothing but whispers of the past from here on out.

Estela got into the car, after not so discreetly saying one last curse word. She slammed the car door after her, and turned on the car.

"You landed yourself in some deep shit, you no-good gay parasite."

I sunk into the seat I was sitting in, allowing her to talk all the trash she wanted to. At this point, I was nothing but dust and wasted space, waiting to be blown away.





xox, claire

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