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"Thank the lord for taking those sinners out of our neighborhood!"


I woke up the morning after, drenched in sweat with tears pouring out of my eyes like hurricanes. I tried to collect myself as much as possible, knowing that if I went downstairs too late for breakfast, I would be late for school — and showing up late for class is the last thing I need right now.

My ragged breaths soon slowly came to a halt, returning back to breathing normally. I steadily wiped the tears off of my face and got out of bed, deciding that today was the day I would talk to Matthew. Not just about us — If there even was or is one — but, about everything.

About every hate-filled name I was called and nightmares I had dreamt every night since the day he had decided to break contact with me. I quickly got dressed, and went down to the kitchen, deciding to also finally talk to Alex.

As terrifying as it sounds, I need to talk to her — She is my mom, nonetheless the person that keeps me under her roof.

"Good morning," I mumbled, my fake smile stretching from ear to ear as I grinned at Estela.

"Morning. You look awful cheerful today." Estela tells me, setting down my plate of pancakes onto the table.

I rolled my eyes, if only she had seen my mental break down this morning. "Yup. School is going great, and my friends are nothing but helpful. I have so much to be happy about!"

I sat down at the table, and began to eat my pancakes. Alex walked into the kitchen, a newspaper in her hand and recently-handed coffee mug in the other. Alex smiled gratefully at Estela, sitting down at the other side of the table.

Alex gasped, setting down her coffee mug while her mouth quickly formed an 'o' motion. "Would you look at this!"

Estela quickly walked over to her, knowing that Alex gets mad whenever no one pays attention to her — not that anyone actually wants to.

Estela did the same movements as Alex, except she had no coffee mug or newspaper in her hand. "The straight couple is finally moving! God thank you for answering my prayers oh lord!"

This had caught my attention.

"What straight couple?"

"Well, the one down the block. Who else?"

I tried to act as clueless as I could, feeling my heart begin to shatter in my chest. "Oh. When are they moving?"

"It says here that they've already packed their belongings and are planning to move away to Pennsylvania! Good lord, thank you for taking away the sinners of this neighborhood!" Estela shouted happily.

And that's when my heart fully broke.

"I should head to school now," I mumbled, my chair making a loud screeching noise as I stood up abruptly.

"What's the rush dear?" Alex asked me, a knowing look in her eyes.

"School is far more important than the neighborhood-no-good drama, don't you think Mom?" I asked her, glaring into her eyes.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Go ahead. You're dismissed."

I falsely smiled at both of my parents, and hurried to the living room, quickly grabbing my back pack and heading out the door. I knew that if I wanted any chance to speak to Matthew, it was going to be done in the next five minutes.




xox, claire

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