Getting Liam Back

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Kimberly POV

After the tattoo we went back to the hotel to go get our stuff.I grabbed an ice pack for my sore skin.It was just like Niall said a thousand shots in my arm.I hated getting the tattoo but I loved the design it was perfect.Anyway we were rushing to catch a plane to Brit.We were going to go and get Liam back.I had to be honest I really wanted to see him I was worried about him.It was time to board the plane I was sorta excited.Me and Niall held each other's hand I was sure I didn't touch his wrist and he didn't touch mine.Before I knew it we were asleep.


The plane had finally landed.We got our stuff and went straight to his parents house.In my head I was trying to think of what to say to him.I was still thinking about what happened that night with him.Why didn't I stop myself.I know I was drunk but I still could have done something...kinda...right.Maybe not.But why didn't he stop me.I wonder what is going on in that head of his.I wonder what he thinks of all the time.I was so scared.A little bit.How was his life going was he okay did he change.I was feeling the same way I did when we were getting Niall but less emotional then I was getting Niall.We were finally at the house I knock.on the door and wait for an answer.The door slowly.

"Kimberly?!" He said in surprise.

"What are you doing here? And Niall".

"Oh my gosh are you okay?"I say while looking at him.He had grown a little bit of a beard and he smelled like alcohol and there were food stains on his shirt that looked like he has been wearing this whole time we have been apart.

"Yeah I'm fine.Why do you ask?"

"You don't look so good".

"What do you mean?"

"Liam I could probably tell what you are just by looking at your shirt".

"Oh it's just a little stain".

"No it's not buddy.Are you okay.You look like your drunk and have you been taking showers".

"Oh yea.I think by time I was going to shower I black out".

"Can we come in".


"Sorry for the mess I have been a little unorganized lately".

"Yea a little".I say with sarcasm looking around the house.There was food and alcohol bottles scattered on the floor.Then every now and again I would see these two girls coming in and out of rooms and looking around.They were half naked.What has Liam gotten himself in to.It wasn't my fault he ended up like this.Well it kinda was but it was his fault this incident was in action.I never knew he would be like this I thought he would have stayed in bed and cried or something he is sensitive.We had to help him.

"Liam I think you need our help.But first we need to talk".I say.I turn to Niall to make sure it okay with him.He nods.Me and Liam go back into his room the only place that wasn't scattered in trash,alcohol bottles and those girls.

"SO".Liam says in our little awkward silence.

"Liam stop it.I don't want things to be awkward between us.Liam after what happen I don't even know what to say to you.You lost my trust.Liam what you did was wrong".

"You did it too".

"Liam I was drunk you could have stopped me but you didn't you were selfish.You were thinking about nobody but yourself and you know that's the truth.The kiss was bad enough but when you decide to have sex with me while I was drunk that was a cowardly move.Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to get sexual with me I could have helped you we could have stopped this from becoming a problem.But no.You had to be difficult and let me do something that I still regret to this day.You have no idea how hard it was to convince Niall to forgive you.Because you hurt him.You hurt him,me and yourself and if the fans knew they would be hurt as well.Liam I just need you to know that you need to stop with this.I'm tired of yelling at you.Liam I love you but not as much as I love Niall.You need to move on.For me.For Niall.Most of all for the fans.Please".

"But Kimberly-".

"Liam don't.You have to move on".

"I don't know how I will move on.But for the fans sake I will try so hard.But I still have feelings".

"Liam I know you will find somebody to love you just as much as you love me right now.But I need you to try okay".


"Let's go home we need to get you cleaned up".

After our talk me,Liam,Niall,Harry and Kendra went back to California to get ready for the up coming tour and some birthdays.

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