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Kimberly P.O.V.

"Where have you... who is this"

"Hi mom this is Niall,Niall this is my mom Karen".

"Hello Karen it's very nice to meet you".

"OH wow your Irish"

"Yes Yes I am"

"SO...."I say during our awkward silence

"what's with all the bags"

"we are moving here"

"oh from where"


"Cool I know all about Cali can I show Kimberly around Karen if it OK with you"

"oh sure I don't mind at all go ahead"

"thanks mom I will see you tonight or tomorrow"

Brandon pulled me to the side before I left with Niall

"Here" He slips me a condom or two.

"Whoa wait what's um I don't understand". I look at him confused.

"Well I don't want  you catching anything or having someone living inside you, Yet."

"Thanks for your concern though you really do have my back don't you"

"Yep just looking out for my little sister.You go have fun"

"Okay love you bye"

Me and  Niall head out for some fro yo. We sit down and wait for our order.Once our yogurt comes out we start talking to each we get to know each other better.

"So who was that guy that I punched in the face earlier today"

"Oh that was my now ex boyfriend"

"How long have you been together"

"Three years.I loved him a lot.We spent all of our time together.He was always there for me. Through thick and thin."

"What do you mean".

"I don't want to talk about it".

"Come on you can tell me anything i promise I won't judge you."

"Fine.Three years ago my mom and dad were getting a divorce my dad left out unhappy.He went out to the bar and came back drunker than drunk.He drag my mother out of bed and beat her till she was bruised up.I jumped on him and tried hard to get him off he pushed me really hard. My head hit the wall really hard. Brandon jumped on his back and manged to pull him off. My mom rushed to the phone and called the police I was unconscious. My mom told me that they had to rush me to the ER I had to get some stitches and they bandage up my mom too. My dad was sent to jail and the divorce is still in progress."

"Wow thats a lot of baggage".

"I know my boyfriend was the only person who could face the fact it was driving me crazy.Today I caught him cheating on me and then you came in saving me from making a terrible mistake."

"Well forget him I am here for you now."

"What are you trying to say".

"Hey I just met you and this is crazy but  be my girlfriend I love you baby". He sang to me. 'Omg back up did he say he loved me omg he wants me to be is girl omg i'm freaking out. Breath Kimberly' My inner thought was speaking to me. He had a long face think I was saying no,I just needed to think.I finally had my answer.



"Yes I will be your girlfriend".He leaned in I new exactly what he wanted so I gave it to him. We kissed for about two minutes and boy was he a great kisser.

"You have soft lips.So sweet to kiss".He says to me as he comes over to the other side of the booth and starts kissing me again.

Ruby Red Slippers (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now