Our Moments

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Niall POV

I had to say I really missed her but she lied to me and she just couldn't be trusted again.I tried hard to forget her but I just couldn't.I kept thinking about the things we did together.Like the first things we did together.I swear I could remember like it was yesterday.Like when we first met.She was sitting at a table with the guy I now know is her brother.They were eating breakfast together.I could hear her over there fangirling over me.


"What's your problem".Her brother said to her.

"It's Niall Horan from one direction he is so hot".

"Yeah yeah yeah.Eat up we got to meet mom at the baggage claim.We need hurry".

"Okay".I looked over at her as she was eating her pancakes.They had left there booth and her brother walked down to baggage claim and I saw her go in to the girls bathroom.There was some douche looking guy leaning on the wall trying to look all cool.She leave out the bathroom and walks over to douche bag and he grabs her and starts to kiss her.For a second I thought she was taken but then she begins to struggle out of his grip.He was being aggressive so I got up to stop anything else from happening.I run up on him and punch him right in his face and he falls to the floor.She looks at him for a second and then looks up at me.I hold my hand out letting her know that it okay.She grabbed it and I pulled her up off the ground.I move my hand closer to her trying to grab it she responds back by grabbing my hand.We walk together down to baggage claim and she says.

"I'm Kimberly Perkins by the way thank you for noticing me".I knew that after that everything would totally work out between us.

Kimberly POV

The moments of our past just kept flashing in my head.Sometimes the things we said echoed in my head like when we had our first date and first kiss in the same day.I remember when he asked me to be his girlfriend he took me to go get frozen yogurt and we had shared secrets then he asked me in the cutest way ever by singing.

"Hey I just met you and this is crazy but be my girlfriend I love you baby".He sang to me and I totally freaked out in my head but on the outside I just smiled.He had a long face thing I was saying no but then.



"Yes I will be your girlfriend".He leaned in and gave me a kiss it was the first kiss we had ever shared together.

"You have such soft lips that I could just kiss all the time".He said to me,he was such a romantic and he still was.I also remember him taking me to the beach I was wondering I really wanted to know but he wasn't going to tell me.He bought me a bikini,too.I kept asking but he wanted to surprise me.When we got there I was so happy he took me here I was extremely excited.I missed him doing these things for me.I was reminded about a promise he said he would keep when we were first dating and I broke my leg.We were madly in love he was about to get to 2nd base and trust me I was more excited than he was. I told him about my past about what that stupid boy I was crushing on did to me.I remember the conversation word for word.

"Wow you have been through a lot I am so sorry that you were treated like that.Why did you tell me this anyway" ? I start to cry I lean over to I am eye to eye with him.

"The reason why I told this because I do not want this to happen again".I pause for a second trying to wipe the tears from my face.Then continue what I was saying.

"Promise me something Niall.Promise me you will take care of me no matter what.Even if we break up or anything I want us to be together.Cause if we don't I couldn't live with myself".

"I promise....".He had promised me he would stay with me but he is gone.We were supposed to be together.He said he promised that we would stay together.But he lied to me.We aren't together I miss him so much I wish he was here with me to hug and cuddle with me I miss his warm body up against mine.I miss my crazy,funny,silly Niall.I miss Our Moments.

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