Getting him back

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Kimberly POV

Tonight was the night we all had to perform me and Eli went out to go get something that would look good on us for the tonight.I was thinking about what the fans would say about me I was scared I hoped they liked me as much as they liked Niall.I was doing this for him and only him because I loved nobody like I loved him.I was going to get him back and no one was going to keep me from loving him not even Liam.Me and Eli went into the forever twenty one store to find something cute to where.The Paps were everywhere but we didn't mind them.When we were trying to get in Paul tried his hardest to get us in there,Someone asked me about Niall I just ignored then and walked away.I really wanted to cry but I had to be strong I couldn't let the Paps see me sweat or cry.I looked on one side of the store and Eli looked on the other I was trying to go for something that was me I didn't want to be on stage not looking like me that would be terrible for me to not be myself.I looked around and grabbed things as I went through and I had finally got my outfit for the concert it was really cute.It was a grey crop top with skinny jean and white converse with red and blue piping.I picked out some make up as well I got a naked 2 make up pallet and naked 2 lip gloss with mascara.I was going to straighten my hair for tonight as well. My outfit was ready to go I bought it and sat and waited for Eli.


"Eli come on we have to be down at the concert hall in an hour to do a sound check and we have to be ready by 2:30 it's 11:45 you need to hurry and pick and outfit".

"All right!All right! Here it is".She says as she steps out of the dressing room wearing jeans,a white button up shirt under a red sweater,and some blue plaid flats with red piping.I thought it was so cute it was her style,too.She looked really good.She went and bought and we were soon to leave.


"And live while were young".I sang at the end of the song live while were young.We were working on our last song for the night and as we finished I could hear the screaming of the fans.They all were screaming I could hear them screaming Liam and Niall's name I began to cry.They all rush to my side.

"What's wrong Kimberly I thought you wanted to do this".Zayn questions.

"I know but they don't want me they want Niall and Liam and they are both gone because of me".

"It wasn't completly you fault". Louis exclaims.

"Yeah I know but it was partially my fault what if they don't like me".

"They will love you trust us even if they don't just know that we love you no matter what".Harry says giving me a tight hug.

"Thanks guys you always were such great friends".

"No problem you are one of us we want to help you get Niall back and we want him back,too".

"We need to get Liam back to but that's after Niall".

We were going to go and get ready. Kendra had arrived just in time for her to get ready. Harry was going to introduce her to the fans.I was all ready and dressed in my outfit and I just was waiting on the others I sat in a private dressing room that Niall had.I sat down and recited what I was going to say as I slowly popped up from the bottom of the stage.I was going to give people and idea of who I was.I was terribly nervous.I burred my head and my hand and silently cried.The lights flickered on and off in the dressing room which meant it was almost time to start the show.I fixed my mascara and put on my lip gloss and pinkish color eye shadow.I hear knocking on the door.

"Come in".I yelled.It was my sister she was wearing a pink maternity shirt with maternity jeans,and cream colored net flats.She wore her hair straight like mine but curled a little.

"Are you ready" ?She says as she walks closer to me.

"Well.....".I say leaving her in suspense.

"Look Kim I know what you are feeling I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant with Harry's child.I'm scared right now.I am thinking about what they are going to say but I am not going to let it all get to my head.All I need is Harry's love.And all you need is our love for you don't worry about the fans".

"Thanks sis I wish I had you here when I was younger your motivational words always make me happier your the best".

"No prob bob".The conversation ended with the sound of our laughter.I heard another knock on the door and then it opened and Harry walked through.

"It's go time"!!! He yells.I take a deep breath and we walk backstage.'Here we go' I say to myself.We all step on to the stage pop ups and instead of everyone popping up fast it was just me popping up slow.And I began to speak while they sung lightly in the background.

"Hi I am Kimberly Perkins.I am Niall Horan's recent girlfriend.Lately we broke up because of something me and Liam did.Niall left and Liam followed behind him.I made a terrible mistake so today I am here to perform for you guys to try to get back my boyfriend and two of your favorite band members.Introducing 3/5 of one direction plus me and Eleanor".The crowd went wild when they saw the boys and Eli I looked out in the crowd and I saw signs that said 'We love you Kimberly' and 'We love Kiall'.They really did like me but how did they know about me I was going to find out but I was not going to worry about anything right now I need my boyfriend back and I was thinking about having Liam come back but at the moment I was thinking about saving the band and getting Niall back.We started off with on of my favorite one direction songs 'Live while were young'.I was acting like I was one of them because I was they were the best friend anyone could have.While we performed it was a little different than it was when I had lasted seen a show when I was just Niall's biggest fan.They weren't complete without Liam and Niall but they still were performing as best as they could.Then it was the time Harry was going to introduce Kendra.Kendra was sitting in a chair and they had her slowly come up out of the stage.The crowd gasped in surprise to see Kendra.All of us except Harry were singing Kendra's favorite song Little Things and Harry began to explain.

"This is my wife Kendra she is the most amazing person I have ever met.I want you all to listen don't hate her.She is pregnant with my child because of me,too.I would love for you guys to give her as much love as you can.Because I love her.Thank you for understanding.I love you all".The crowd went wild they loved her so much as much as they loved me and the band.Then Harry finished by saying.

"I almost forgot to tell you.Kimberly is also my sister she is Kendra's twin sister".A lot of truth was coming out.I was so happy to just let it all out.We sung a lot of the other songs that they usually performed and then it was my time to shine.

(Kendra's Maternity outfit can be found online for those of you who are reading on your phone's.Just look for this chapter and you will see the outfit in the sidebar along with the LWWY Music video.I will do this often thanks for reading).

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