Chapter 1

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"Hotkit! COME ON!" A small golden colored kit screamed. "We're about to come apprentices and learn what our powers are!."

Hotkit stared at his red-orange pelt. "I'm guessing mine have something to do fire."

"Who cares just come on!" His sister hissed.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" Hotkit told his and followed her out just as rainbowness exploded all over the High-rock and Superstar appeared.

"Blah blah just get your fat and lazy butts out here." Meowed the royal leader of awesomeness.

everyone came out of they're dens and looked up at the most amazing cat of all time.

"Two new apprentices blah blah, Hotpaw - Oaktail and Goldpaw - Streamflower, release your inner powers."

Oaktail stared up in dismay. "But I already have an apprentice!" his half-fish apprentice Troutpaw leapt from the stream that surrounded the camp to stand beside his mentor.

Superstar glared at them. "Too bad!" Turning back to the apprentices he let out a fake purr. "Release your new powers peasants."

Goldpaw's eyes flashed with joy and she focused hard. Dust started to stir up around the cats and soon a huge dust cloud sand storm think floating in the air, rotating at a magnificent speed. Then it dropped and disappeared right before hitting the Clan and they looked around. "Where did Goldpaw go?" They murmured.

A small pile of dust then started floating and took the form of a cat. A lot of other things happened and then Goldpaw was standing there.

Now everyone turned to Hotpaw.

He focused.


Everyone started laughing.


He opened his mouth to snarl at his Clanmates but instead fire spewed out everywhere. Everyone's eyes were wide will fear and Hotpaw looked at his back to see two large scaly wings that had sprouted from beneath his fur. Then he calmed down and he was normal again.

But a noise made everyone turn and EvilClan burst into camp. "OH NO!" Superstar yelled. "HOW DID YOU EVER MAKE IT PAST THE 213456543245 FEET OF 23453 FEET DEEP LAVA AND THE 2345676543 MILE WIDE AND 23456543 FEET DEEP OCEAN AND THE 345-"

He was interrupted by Shadowstar who grinned evilly. "The same way you guys do, I used the door."

This made Hotpaw SUPER mad again and he turned into his half-dragon self. "ROAR" He growled. With that, all the cats ran away but one and his name was... HARDCLAW, he was holding up his large claws that were as strong as metal. Then Goldpaw blew him away with a sand storm.

The littermates high-fived and Oaktail nodded in approval. Superstar sniffed. "Well... It was okay but never as good as me! Chow!" And with that, he disappeared into his den leaving a trail of rainbow farts. 

Did you enjoy? Did ya did ya? Well if you did then this can only have been written by Le Moon, (which it was :P) so CHEER! WOOP! -DaMoony

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