Chapter 29

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Sure enough, with those words, countless evil-looking cats flooded the camp from StarClan-knows-where. They all were dark-colored with red eyes because clichés. 

"Who are all these cats?" Superstar asked.

"Remember that one she-cat with kits that you let live in chapter... six? I think?" Metalclaw mewed.

"Oh yeah," Troutstream (i think that's her name lol) answered, "Letting her live was my idea."

"Well, she had those kits and lots of them. She also recruited many evil rogues to rebuild EvilClan and brought me back from the dead."

Superstar tilted his head. "You were dead?"

Metalclaw shrugged. "I don't know, probably." He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Anyways... EvilClan, ATTACK!"

In an instant, all the cats attacked. Blood and fur were flying everywhere, with no side having any clear advantage. Quickfoot and Fastpaw were darting around the camp, surprise attacking EvilClan cats while Hotpaw took on his angry dragon form and spewed fire at the intruders. 

As great as that was, Metalclaw was sinking his claws into an unsuspecting Squirrelstripe, killing him instantly. Silverpaw gulped. This was not good. She was running around frantically, crying her magically healing tears onto every wounded SuperClan cat. She spotted Oaktail on the edge, talking to Frostwing while killing a few cats with an earthquake. 

"Frostwing, go to EhClan or whatever it's called and get help!"

Frostwing paused for a second to listen far with his enhanced senses. He shook his head. "No can do. Right now Snowstar is talking to her deputy about how stupid we are. I doubt they'll be much help."

"Wonderful," Oaktail muttered sarcastically. 

The blood was piling so high that the camp became a crimson swimming pool. The battle moved outside the camp, but Troutstream and Plumpaw used the liquid to their advantage and drowned several cats in the sticky substance. 

"Gross," Metalclaw snarled with a gag and turned to rip Milk to shreds.

He then came face-to-face with Hippie, who was definitely high on catmint. "Woahhh, dudee," the cat slurred. "Y'all just need to chilllll outttttt. Take it slowwwww."

Metalclaw rolled his eyes and slit Hippie's throat without a second thought. 

Herbfeather surveyed the destruction from the safety of her den. She groaned, realizing what she had to do. Too bad it included effort. 

"Time to take a quick trip to StarClan."

Only one chapter left and then the epilogue!

~ Feather 

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