Chapter 9

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"Alright, SuperClan! We've trained long and hard for this moment!" Superstar yowled at the cats gathered below him.

"We've literally done nothing to prepare at all," Oaktail interrupted.

"As I was saying!" Superstar said loudly, drowning out Oaktail's protests. "We've worked long and hard for this very moment-"

"We didn't know it was going to happen until yesterday," Oaktail objected.

"We've worked for this precise moment!" Superstar said even more loudly than before. "And I expect you to fight bravely! We are all incredible cats who are completely invincible!"

"Did you not see Goldpaw get ripped apart?" Oaktail asked, annoyed.


"I'm a solar panel!" Solarlight yelled suddenly, and all the Clan turned to stare at him.

"Sorry, he gets like this and Aspenblade is beautiful," Silversoar explained.

"Silversoar..." Aspenblade began. "Do us all a favor, and shut up."

"I will shut up and I love you!" Silversoar responded, and Aspenblade rolled her eyes.

"Now we will march on the vicious EhClan-"

"CoolClan," Oaktail muttered.

"EHCLAN!" Superstar said again, louder. "And we will destroy them with our awesomeness! Cats, to EhClan!"

The group marched into the CoolClan camp. "Oh, it's you again," Snowstar said boredly. "I was hoping that it would be someone interesting."

"How dare you!" Superstar yowled. "Give us our cats back!"

"We didn't take your cats, we simply invited them here." Snowstar yawned. "If you insist on challenging us, you could always fight Wolfclaw again."

"No." Superstar stepped forwards. "We'll fight you."

"Fine," the tom sighed. "Pick the Warrior you most want to get murdered."

"Hmm..." Superstar considered.

"You can't do this!" Oaktail protested, but Superstar drowned out his voice by yelling out a cat's name.

"Emberstream! I choose you to fight against Snowstar! I feel certain that you will succeed!" Superstar lowered his voice. "And I'll kill you myself if you don't."

"Okay, Superstar!" Emberstream said happily. "I will murder you cheerfully!" she said to the CoolClan leader.

"Sure, why not," Snowstar said after staring at her for a moment. "Let our fight begin!" he said, and used his powers to create an ice storm that slowly froze Emberstream to death. She used her fire powers and melted all of the ice, creating a pool of water at her paws.

"What? No!" Snowstar yowled, and Emberstream stepped forwards to destroy him cheerfully.

She looked down in horror as her paw splashed in the puddle created by the ice she had just melted.

"No! My one weakness! Water!" she screeched, before melting and becoming one with the puddle.

"Gross, Emberstream-water," Hotpaw muttered.

"I AM A SOLAR PANEL!" Solarlight yelled once again.

"What?" The two groups of cats asked collectively.

"What he means," said Aspenblaze, shoving him to the side, "is that we will help you destroy all of EhClan!"

"Superstar, we really shouldn't trust-"

"SILENCE YOU FOOL!" Superstar yelled.

"But I-"


"I am so done with you," Oaktail growled under his breath.

"Well, I was never in love with you, either."

"No, that's not what I-" Oaktail began hurriedly.

"You don't have to be ashamed, Oaktail! Now be silent!"

Oaktail withdrew, grumbling to himself.

"You know what?" Superstar said, glaring at Snowstar. "I'm done with all of these silly duels and pointless rambling. SuperClan, ATTACK!"

Written by le Amazing Annco

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