"Fastpaw, Mintpaw, Plumpaw?" Emberstream meowed, her voice cracked as she screeched like an apprentice.
"Plumpaw? Do you want to go to the Lake with me? We could play with some water!" Troutstream tries to find his apprentice when he hears an apprentice screech.
"That was me, sorry Troutstream." Emberstream sadly meowed.
Troutstream grunted and stomped away, "We'll get exile if we can't find them."
Emberstream rolled her eyes. Quickfoot was speeding everywhere looking for the apprentices until he bumped Emberstream.
"Look where you're going!" Emberstream screamed at Quickfoot in an apprentice squeal.
"Fastpaw? Was that you?" Troutstream asked.
"Troutstream, that was Emberstream..." Quickfoot answered quickly.
"Emberstream...you sound like a tom, now let's get moving." Troutstream chuckled and walked away.
"Plumpaw?" Troutstream meowed making a tired apprentice squeal.
"Now, who is the apprentice...you are Troutstream." Emberstream laughed and accidentally burnt down a tree.
Quickfoot looked around quickly..."I smell fire." he meowed in a worried tone.
"It's not like Emberstream burnt a tree down." Troutstream joked. "Quickfoot, maybe I should call you Sloweyes."
Quickfoot's eyes turned red in anger, but it started to dissipate because he was tired.
"I'm going back..." Quickfoot meowed and dashed the way to camp.
"Troutstream? You coming?" Emberstream asked.
"What about the apprentices and getting exiled." Troutstream panicked.
"Whatever...Superstar wouldn't be too mean, I mean...we have the strong powers." Emberstream responded boldly and confidently.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Troutstream loosened up and followed Emberstream.
Little did the mentors know that the apprentices were only a few tail lengths in front of them.
The mentors really don't know anything, now do they. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and read on as the apprentices continue their journey.~Whisper
Warriors: SuperClan
FanficClan cats? With superpowers? Cats with powers has been a long-running joke in the Warriors community. In this book, you will be introduced to a Clan where every cat has extraordinary (but ridiculous) superpowers. Oh, and there just might be a superv...