Chapter 25

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Brownkit sighed, his long fangs finally not stabbing into his gums.

He hated these teeth.

If only I could've disguised as another cat...

He sighed, reminding himself that this was the only cat available. Besides, no one would suspect a kit, anyway.

'Brownkit', who was, of course, not actually a kit at all, winced as his stupid fangs let his mouth dry out as usual. He turned to face his 'sister', who was grooming her fur, as usual. Unsurprisingly, Streamflower was doting over her and ignoring him, which suited him just fine. If she looked too close, she might notice that this wasn't her precious kit.

But instead, she praised Silverkit's beautiful clicheness and quite happily ignored her ugly offspring.

Or what she thought was her offspring.

Smirking, he remembered the real kit's expression as he'd ambushed him and taken possession of him to stop him from screaming. Now the creature was safely disposed of, handed off to the one EvilClan queen and her kits that had survived SuperClan's massacre. He had a feeling she wasn't going to be merciful.

Silverkit turned to face Brownkit, a sudden smile on her face (because obviously, cliche cats can grin). "Hey, do you want to play?"

Brownkit nodded, fairly certain that kits liked playing.

With another equally possible grin, Silverkit led her brother outside, where she immediately grabbed a mossball and started throwing it.

 Brownkit lunged awkwardly at the mossball, catching it on his fangs and shredding it. Silverkit walked over and began to sob unto it. Her tears magically healed the moss, returning it to her original state.

"STREAMFLOWER!" she yelled, sadness forgotten. "I'VE DISCOVERED MY SUPER POWER!"

"Good for you, dear! I'm so happy that my only kit has found her superpower!"

Brownkit awkwardly waved his tail, then sighed. Whatever. As soon as I start my uprising, she'll be one of the first to die! But my first victim...

He turned toward a sneezing Emberstream, a evil grin spreading across his two or three day old face.

The cat who died in chapter 9 shall die again! This time for good!

The impersonator let out an evil cackle, which no one seemed to notice. For I am the plot hole fixer! I SHALL REIGN SUPREME!

by Ember

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