Chapter 5

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'ello there. Another chapter by Duskie. Go be excited or something. 

   "Hotpaw, come on, it won't be that bad," Goldpaw insisted as she dragged her brother towards the medicine cat den. 

   Hotpaw mumbled something under his breath.

   "What's that, Hotpaw? I didn't quite catch that."

    "I don't want to do this."

   "Aw, come on, it'll be okay."


    "Why are you here?" Hotpaw was interrupted by Herbfeather, who'd poked her head out of her den at the sound of voices.

   "I think that Hotpaw needs some healing," Goldpaw replied, pushing her brother forwards.

   "I do not," he said angrily, and dragon scales seemed to surface for a moment on his pelt before they disappeared as soon as they'd come.

   "Oh, calm down, Hotpaw. You get angry so easily." Goldpaw turned to Herbfeather. "That's why we've come. I was wondering if you could heal his brain and take the anger away." 

   "Are you doubting my medicinal skills, apprentice?" Herbfeather asked, narrowing her eyes.

   "Of course not, Herbfeather! I just want you to help my poor brother. It's saddening for me to see him like this every day...every's just...I can't take it any longer!"

   "Really, Goldpaw, you make it sound as if I'm paralyzed."

   "Shut up, Hotpaw. Let me deal with this."

   "You still haven't told me why you're here," Herbfeather stated.

   "I'd like you to try to heal him. Heal his brain, Herbfeather!"

   " I really gotta?"

   "Yes, you really gotta!"

   "Like really really?"

   "Yes, like really really! My brother needs help!"

   "I do not-"

   "Shut up, Hotpaw!"

   "But no, like seriously, do I have to help you?"

   "Herbfeather, you've absolutely got to!"

   "Fine." Herbfeather sat up and stared at Hotpaw. Goldpaw also stared at Hotpaw. Hotpaw stared back at the two.

   "Why are you both staring at me?"

   "Shut up! She's working!"

   Herbfeather shut her eyes and squeezed them hard. Goldpaw watched on, apprehension and tension building up in her chest. Herbfeather kept squeezing, and Goldpaw continued watching, and she squeezed, and she watched, and she squeezed - 

   "Get on with it, author!" Goldpaw screeched.

   The Fourth Wall looked wearily towards the sunset. "I...I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. He'll help me more than Obamacare."

   "Shut your trap, Fourth Wall," Duskie said, shooting a ferocious glare towards it. "Back to the story!"

   Suddenly, everything in the story lit up with a brilliant flash like in the movies and for a few seconds, nobody could see anything but bright white. As soon as it had come, the flash [not The Flash] faded away, and Herbfeather and Goldpaw were looking upon Hotpaw, who, well, pretty much looked the same as always.

   Until he opened his mouth.

   "Hi!" he exclaimed, smiling happily. 

   "I-uh-hi?" Goldpaw responded awkwardly.

   "Isn't it a great day?" he asked, the smile not slipping off of his face.

   Goldpaw turned to Herbfeather. "That's it! You've done it! You've healed him! I'll always be grateful, Herbfeather!" She gave the medicine cat a brilliant smile, and skipped off with Hotpaw.

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