Chapter 3

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Troutpaw trotted to the stream. She felt hungry, so she concentrated hard and morphed into a cat-fish. She dove into the water headfirst, easily breathing through gills that formed on the sides of her face. Spotting a fish swimming by, she lashed out with an unsheathed claw and brought it down easily.

Spitting out the bloodied water that flowed around her, the she-cat swam back up to the surface, proudly holding her kill in her jaws. She caught sight of Hotpaw who was sitting next to Oaktail by the stream.

"I caught this." She told her mentor, puffing her chest out proudly. "Now what? Training? More hunting?"

"How about an invasion of EvilClan for no good reason?" The deputy suggested nonchalantly.

Hotpaw grinned. "Ohh, I love to kill cats with my majestic super power for no good reason. It brings me much joy."

"Will we go in with just the three of us, or should we gather a battle patrol?" Troutpaw asked, excitement bubbling in her chest.

 As if on cue, Goldpaw and her mentor Streamflower appeared from behind the stream. "What are you all up to?" Streamflower asked with a very casual hint in her voice.

"Not much," Oaktail replied," we were just about to go into EvilClan to kill them all. Care to join?"

"Wait!" Goldpaw interrupted. "Shouldn't we leave just one cat alive so  they can reproduce little evil kits and give us something to fight later in the book when there's no plot left at all?"

Oaktail nodded. "Good idea!" He bounded across the border that suddenly teleported right near them and headed into the territory consisting of smelly swamps and rotting trees. Misquotes were buzzing everywhere and many dead, infected prey carcasses laid on the sticky ground.

"Quite the typical and cliché place for the evil group of cats to live." Hotpaw commented randomly.

 "Agreed." His sister replied. Troutpaw could visibly see the anticipation on her face.

In a matter of minutes, the patrol reached the camp, and prepared to strike. Troutpaw looked around for a body of water to drown cats in. All she saw was a small pool of murky brown water. Yuck! I don't even want to know what that brown stuff is. Unfortunately it'll have to do. She thought bitterly.

Oaktail lowered himself on the ground, about to make a massive leap into the camp full of dark colored cats. With a thundering battle cry, he hurtled himself into the clearing and the battle begun.


Feather writing. Apologies on the shortness of this chapter, Wattpad kept crashing and deleting all my work. I'm also sorry that this is late, I tried to publish this last night but it kept saying "error" so I just gave up. As you can see my phone is defective.

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